Chapter 27

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Dedicated to my sis even though she really didn't want it to be. 
27- amore?

I woke up coughing and with the taste of blood fresh in my mouth. You know in a movie when a bomb goes off and someone is deafened they just hear like a long high pitched sound, I could hear that as I tried to get up. 
    "He's awake," a voice whispered. It was not one that I recognised. 
"Are you okay," a slightly softer voice asked. I lifted my heavy lids to see a girl my age with some strikingly similar features to me. Her short choppy hair was a similar coppery colour to my own though perhaps a little darker and had the same ears sticking up from them. Though hers were tipped with grey fur rather than white. There was also her small frame (just taller than my own) covered in porcelain skin which matched mine. The most striking difference between us was my grass green eyes compared to her stormy grey ones. While mine were calm and closed of all her emotions were swimming in the grey orbs and right now she was both happy and scared. Looking at her gave me a strange sense deja vu. 
    "Do I know you," I asked feebly as she helped me into a sitting position. A small smile spread across her lips and she glanced over to someone in the corner. There to people in that particular corner both by the looks of things Kitsune's as well judging from their twitching ears. These two though looked much older than the girl and I perhaps not in body but definitely in their eyes. One pair of eyes was golden though were still very different from Van's as they were flecked with silver, the other pair was a rich chocolate brown. 
     To the left and the owner of the golden eyes was an athletic looking woman with chestnut brown hair. Instantly I got the image of a golden harp and I knew that she must have been a music kitsune. To the right and the owner was a tall very well built man whose hair was stark white. From him I got the same sort of feeling my own powers over time gave me so I assumed that was what he controlled. 

   "Who are you guys?" I asked curiously. 
"We are just three Kitsune's who answered your fox utulo or call which is a a signal for help that any Kitsune who hears is forced to answer. I have never known a cub so young able to draw enough power to use such strong magic! Amaya here was particularly affected and that's when we knew."
    "Knew what?"
"That you're my brother," she answered extactically. That instantly blew my mind and I almost slumped back onto the floor. 
   "What? I never even knew my real family. I didn't know I had siblings, actually I did but I was told they died straight after they were born."
   "Yes Erik was just a fox shifter and couldn't handle the stressful conditions we were all under. I was actually born first and supposedly died then and there. However I woke up floating on a cloud after my Kitsune powers kicked in and so I found some helpful Pegasus that took me in. Later I found Horace and Melody here and well the rest is history. Hi Blaze I'm your big sister," she said full of overwhelming emotion a big tear sliding down her cheek. With all the strength I had left in my tired body I pulled myself to my feet and hugged her. I couldn't believe it, I had real blood family. 
   Now that I was up I could see what a pickle we were in. The room we were currently standing in was very small and pain with just two benches and a door to furnish it. The door had a slot for a key card and a flap that could be slid open from the outside to talk to the occupants of the room. From all this I deduced we were in a holding cell in the Council office and that we were screwed. 
   "Yep after you fainted the council captured us. But don't worry," Horace said with a wink. Then in my head a small voice whispered "we have a plan." I sent him back an image of a winking face and he smiled appreciatively. 
   "Nice," he commented and I mouthed ditto back. "Where is everyone?"
"They've all been taken for questioning since they can't be held for any particular crime and they're all too powerful to be disrespected. Oh except the puca," he added. 
"Dear I think you better see to your friend," a Melody's voice interrupted with concern. Turning to where Melody was pointing I saw Donovan hunched up beside one of the benched. He clutched his knees to his chest and rocked back and forwards as a child would. His usually bright golden eyes were dull and stared out unseeing and unblinking at the room. 
   "What's wrong with him," I demanded immediately rushing to his side. 
"He doesn't know what's going on. He thinks that he has been captured for good and that we're all doomed. Puca's can't be confined it is very damaging for them because their whole existence revolves around running free." My heart sank as I saw the blank expression he wore and knew it was covering fear and pain. 
   I crouched down by his side and took his had in my own, somehow I knew exactly what to do. Somehow using my powers over space I manipulated the room so that it appeared to stretch on for miles. I then sent an image of me slipping a rope from his neck. 
"Van it's alright you're safe. We're all going to get out of here." He blinked. 
   "B-Blay?" He asked and I nodded furiously wrapping my arms around him. 

   "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you. I should have never gone against what you told me, you've always been right. I should have been there to protect you and I wasn't. Can you forgive me?"   "There's nothing to forgive Blaze. You did get help," he said gesturing to the new people in the room. I grinned and kissed him, feeling all those giddy joyous feelings I had when we kissed in the rain the other day.    "Oh so  a little more than a friend," Melody laughed. The two of us blushed furiously. 
"Amoris uinculum," Horace said looking at us with awe.
"Oh a love bond I haven't seen one of those in forever," Melody shouted in delight. 
   "A what," Van asked respectfully though his face was lit up like a Christmas tree. 
"It's something that forms between two shape changers like beloveds for vampires or mates for werewolves. However not everyone has a amore like with other species and it forms after the two get together. It means when you are close to each other you will be stronger. I've even seen old amori's that could share their powers. Never seen a puca and a Kitsune though. You two must both have royal blood for the bond to form inter-species."
    "Aww you're gay that's awesome," Amaya grinned. "You're gonna have to give me fashion tips and be sassy to all my enemies."
   "I think that's more Allisters department," I quickly stated dreading the idea of her dragging me around a bunch of stores looking for clothes. 
   "I don't know you are pretty sassy Blaze," Van grinned. 
"I hate you," I growled. 
   "Hate ya too. Now what's the plan," he replied quirking a brow while a smile played on his lips. I couldn't help but grin back and Amaya squealed again. Were all girls like this?
"Listen up kids this is gonna get ugly," Horace growled and we all grimaced. 

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