Chapter 21

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21- who are you really?

Halfway through the journey to the cabin it started to rain. Not just drizzles either but a full blown storm erupted with thunder, lightening and hail. So we arrived back at the cabin tired, sopping wet and miserable. I turned into a fox for a while to warm up and Lauren quickly got a fire started so I lay on the soft rug next to it and had a nap while some food was prepared. 

 When I woke an hour or so later it was to the smell of bacon. We had a quiet meal, chatting a little about school but steering clear of the days events. Me and Van had a laugh about the look on Rald's face though reflected we would probably get the consequences of that escapade very soon. 

    The cabin was in the center of the woods and very quiet so the only noise we heard was the rain thundering down outside. It was fairly large so there were four bedrooms so everyone paired up except Allister who took the empty room as he sleepwalked. Therefore Donovan and I shared a room and we both lay awake for some time talking. This was something we did every night but never for that long because for me it was like pulling teeth. Van didn't like to talk about himself and any questions on the subject were ignored. We were having a pleasant conversation up until I mentioned a touchy subject. 
   Usually I would let it go but tonight I didn't. After all that happened in the clearing I thought he might open up a little so I pressed the topic. "Donovan do you have any family?"
   "I'm not discussing that," he muttered blankly nose as usual buried in some book or another. 
"Why though? You know everything there is to know about me!"
"Because I do not want to talk about it."
"Fine then tell me something, anything about your life before you met me," I whined in annoyance. 
    "No," he answered coldly still not looking at me. 
"Why," I all but screamed. I had reached my limit. 
He snapped up at this looking a little surprised. He put down his book though and motioned out the door. "Fine if you have something thats irking you we'll talk but your going to wake everyone. Lets go outside." It was raining but I was too heated up to care. 
    When the door was closed he turned around and raised one eyebrow. "Why do you have to be so closed of?"
"Safest way to live if you're like us. I'm trying to teach you that."
"So you don't trust me, is that it.
He looked flabbergasted. "Not at all, I trusted you with the secret of my existance Blaze you know that."
"Then why do I feel like I don't know you," I shouted seeing red now. This guy had appeared out of the blue and I poured out my whole life story to him  but I got nothing in return. I felt like we had a one way friendship sometimes.
"You feel like you need my story to know me but do you know what, you don't. I have changed so much since I met you that you wouldn't know the other me. I'm not proud of him either."
  "There you go again being all wise and philosophical. Who are you trying to be to me Van? Am I your student? Your friend? Your pet," I spat that word like it was poisonous. I was soaked to my skin and emotionally exhausted. He looked hurt and I felt a little guilty. Suddenly the great Stallion looked very small. His hair sopping wet, his glowing eyes a little faded. 
   "Do you want to really know what you are to me Blay," he asked his voice quiet. There was a note of panic to it as well. 
    "Please," I whispered softly my anger gone replaced only by anticipation. I froze as his hand reached towards me and before I knew what was happening he cupped my cheek, brought my face to his...and kissed me. 

A/N I know this was probably really unexpected for some of you but their relationship was not decided in the beginning by me either. This is something that just made sense as I went along but I want to know your opinion. If you think Blaze should reject Donovan to save their friendship tell me. Just know that there will be harsh consequences for Donovan's character in the end and that they will always feel a little awkward around each other. However if you like the ship ( donovaze or daze) also tell me and no harm will come to either of them. Their romance won't be a huge feature and we can move on. No homophobic comments please. I hope you make a good decision.  

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