Chapter 9

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9- Run!

  The students (and even some teachers) walked, trotted then ran towards me without any sense of their actions. Not all were affected, I noticed most of them were shifters and werewolves which was worrying for a number of reasons, they were unpredictable at the best of times with all those instincts without turning into mindless empty shells. I turned back from the crowd only to see Rald sniffing great lungfuls of air through his nose, the mysterious man watching me with consideration and Lauren signalling to Allister.
   "What are you doing," I asked her at a loss to why she would think this was a good time for a chat but of course it came out as a fox yip.
  "Just do it Ally," she shouted ignoring me. He seemed to have some reservations to what she was saying but he screwed up his face in concentration and those furthest away from me lost their dazed expressions and started to look around in confusion. This most have been some of the magic he was hinting at earlier but that didn't solve my problem.

   "Blaze you may want to consider running or... something else if you would prefer." The man said gazing around in what seemed to be mild amusement. I hadn't told him my name and I didn't like his riddles but running did seem like the best idea right now. I let out a small bark as a signal for Lauren and bit the mysterious stranger on the leg for good measure then fled the room. 

    I wasn't too sure where to go after I got outside of school part of me desperately wanted to find a wooded area another just wanted to go home. I noticed with disappointment as I walked aimlessly around the absence of my inner animal but I also felt a sudden sense of peace and unity inside of me as if I had something missing in me my whole life and I had finally found it. 
   I decided the best thing to do was get off the streets where the humans would start to wonder what a fox was doing wandering around in broad daylight. I found a small park not too far from the school and I hid myself in a thicket of bushes while I thought. There were many things to consider at that time.
   - I had just shifted for the first time
- I did it in front of the entire school
- it did not go well
- who was that man and how did he know my name
-what had Allister done with the magic
- I was now sitting in a cold damp patch of Earth so why did it feel so nice

I felt I ought to do something as a fox because it was after all my first time being one and I decided I may as well enjoy it. I could be stuck as a fox for some time so I thought making  a den could be a fun way to pass the time. It was surprisingly easy to dig with my new claws which stripped away the dirt like it was butter. I loved the feel of the wind rustling through my fur and the soft earth between my toes. Occasionally I would hear another creature scurry past in fear a mouse or vole more often than not but I was not that hungry yet. 
    By the time I had exhausted myself I was pretty pleased with my work. Their was a main room for basic living requirements, there was a room for storage, a room for food, a room for sleep and even a panic room equipped with a working wooden door.  By this point I was very tired and the ground had heated up beautifully in the noon sunshine so I fell asleep content in my makeshift home. 
   When I woke I was ravenous and very thirsty so I started planning a route home. It was still only around two o'clock so the soon was in the sky and blocking my way. I needed to sneak through the back of the town in order to get to the house, it was a good thing I had learnt to get around without being seen after all the years. Sometimes it was good to be small because it meant you didn't have to make noise if you didn't want to and could blend into the backdrop if needed. 

A/N diaries of a teenage fox lol

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