Chapter 8

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8- A song of significance
My friends are uneasy. I know they talk behind my back but not in spite, they're worried. I mean first the gym session, then the zombie like appearance and now the alpha of a wolf pack coming after me talking about hounds. Things haven't improved with the past week either my dreams have only gotten worse and increased in frequency. As have those strange twinges of emotion. When I mentioned it to Jarred he just shot Angela a knowing look and smirked. I hate being in the dark and I'm beginning to hate smirks.  
 I spent the whole weekend inside trying not to be killed and I could tell Angela and Jarred were worried. My panic attacks have become a regular occurrence even a dog barking can set me off. I knew something had to give and it did on Monday morning. 

   "Do we have assemblies often," I asked Allister as we waited to enter the huge assembly hall.
"No it's usually just if we're going to do a workshop or something. We've had plays, presentations all sorts really, so I'm not sure what it'll be."
  "Okay doesn't sound too boring," I joked weakly. 
We filed in and sat in neat little rows with our registration groups and I tried as best as I could to sit away from Rald but we were still only separated by Lauren in between us. I admired the grandeur of the hall it was quite magnificent with it's rich red wallpaper and beautiful carvings of various supernatural species. The whole school was decorated more like an old mansion than a public building but it worked.
   A man got up on the small platform in front of us with a tight smile and waited as several guys brought boxes of equipment on the stage. He wasn't especially interesting to look at with his scrawny, skinny frame and lightly tanned skin. He had a scruffy goatee which made him look like he was having a mid life crisis because he was clearly in his forties, which matched his chocolate brown hair. His eyes were a little more interesting with their luminescent green eyes which reminded me of the lighting in a forest as the sunlight bounces off the trees. As I assessed him I noticed he was looking in my direction as well. 
"Hello everyone my name is Mr Thorn and today we are going to be doing a musical workshop." He said brightly though you could tell he was bored almost impatient.
   "Now first things first can I have three volunteers to be my helpers for today. " He said and a few people humoured him putting their hands up including Rald.

   "Brilliant you three," he said gesturing to Rald, Lauren and I.  I really didn't want to go up there but I decided pointing out I hadn't raised my hand probably wasn't an option.  
  "Lovely now can any of you tell me what these are," he said gesturing to a few random instruments which I named and he nodded in appreciation.
 "Good job now each of you pick an instrument." I did as I was told and picked up a violin because it was the only instrument I knew how to play. Rald of course went for a large drum because no wolf would pass up the opportunity to hit something! Lauren's choice was a beautiful flute which she picked up with the delicacy and respect of an expert. The teacher took a set of pan pipes from his pocket and I stared in awe.

      The instrument instantly caught my attention. It was patterned in intricate detail with various scenes from the forest  gargantuan old oaks, majestic animals caught in various scenes of splendour, sparkling ponds with huge fish leaping from their bountiful waters and great birds flying high above it all. Though it was not this that intrigued me it was something about the aura of the instrument that stirred something wild and unknown inside of me. It may have just been my sleep deprived mind playing tricks on me but I was sure this man was watching me carefully as I inspected the object almost with expectancy. 
   "Now," he said in an almost hushed tone a lot more interested than before nervous excitement showed in every action. "I'm going to play a rhythm and I want you to repeat it."
   He put the pipes to his lips and instantly rich notes sprang from the instrument which seemed to understand his wishes perfectly and echoed round the hall. He played only a short tune but clearly would have liked to play more and looked to us for our rendition. But before anyone could play anything there was a crashing sound and when I looked for the source of the noise I was shocked to find it was my violin on the floor. I couldn't understand why I had dropped it until I looked down at my hands and saw they were changing.
   Glossy copper coloured fur was erupting from my palms in a wave of warmth that was fast spreading. Other things were changing too, I felt my whole anatomy morphing into something else limbs shortening, teeth sharpening, snout growing and the only existing parts which fit in with this new form where the parts that never fit before my ears and tail. I knew I was shifting but it wasn't right. Shifting was supposed to be painful especially if you shifted late. Your whole body changed into something other than itself, it was bound to hurt the first time but it felt wonderful. I felt like I had just sat down in a hot bath and it was just the right temperature. People were talking shouting even as this was going on.
  "What's he doing?"
"Why is he shaking?"
"I think he's shifting!"
"Why does he look so euphoric?"
"He's glowing!"
  Sure enough a bright, white light was illuminating my whole body. is a pale glow. Bones began popping in my back but it was a great feeling like cracking your knuckles. I dropped to the floor as my body  shrank significantly and the final touches were made whiskers sprouted, nails changed to claws and my nose changed to a beetle black. I was a fox. It was as simple as that the wonderful warmth faded and there I was, a small fox looking at a sea of wide eyed pupils and teachers. 
   I sniffed the air tentatively and a sea of scents hit me. I looked around and everything was in high definition.  I moved my paw and felt the resonating vibrations in the ground. And well my hearing had always been good but all my senses connected perfectly to create an enhanced image of my surroundings.  
   "Well that was unexpected," Mr Thorn said calmly though I was almost certain at this point it wasn't unexpected.
  "Enigma you smell...really good." Rald said sounding intoxicated and his eyes seemed glazed over as if he was in a trance. Another few pangs of emotion flashed before me like colours. Fear and repulsion came and went. I looked around the room and saw many other people in similar dazes.
  "Oh dear," I thought before it all went wrong. 
A/N well this is exciting isn't it. Blaze has finally shifted but is he just a normal fox shifter? There's only one way to find!

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