Chapter 14

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14- This guy is crazy
   "I'm not a kid," I scowled. For some reason I really anted him to see me as an equal, not as some child beneath him. 
  "How old are you then Mr Adult," he scoffed. 
"I'm 16 how, old are you grandpa," I grinned, he was bringing out my more impish side. He just smiled. 
"You got fight Kid I'll give you that and technically I'm 16 too, but you are just tiny."
  "I'll get to that."
   He turned his attention back to my arm prodding it gently but I still hissed in pain flashing my teeth at him the fox in me taking over. Instantly I felt a huge wave of guilt wash over me. "Hey I'm sorry just trying to help. I can heal it but your going to have to sit still," he sighed. I could do that. 
  "How the hell are you going to heal me?" I said getting tired of this guys crazy ramblings that made no sense. 
   "Remember all the strange things that have happened to you kid? Well they will all make sense when I explain and I can't do that until I've healed you so be quiet."
   "Fine but my name's Blaze so you can stop calling me kid." 
   "Huh apt description."
  I just rolled my eyes and he placed his hands over my arm. "I'm going to count to three okay this is going to feel weird but you're fine okay?" I nodded .
  "One," he said then rammed the bone back into my arm sending a hot rod of agony through my arm which in turn sent me leaping away from him screaming in pain cradling my arm. Concern was plastered all over his face but there was no remorse there. 
   "Sorry Blaze but healing something that big takes skill and I've really not had my powers that long. The bigger the injury the more energy it would take to heal it. An injury that severe would most likely knock me out cold for a good half hour at least."
   I looked down at my arm and to be fair to him it had healed a little the bone was in its rightful place and the skin had pulled back across a bit, with my shifter healing it would be alright in a day or two. I just nodded wearily feeling at least a little grateful. 
  "Is there somewhere round here you can go and rest," he asked looking at me with more concern.
  "No I just kind of woke up here," I sighed. 
   "Accidental dream teleporting, your developing quickly it took me forever to finally shadow warp for the first time."
   "Okay I'll have to warp you somewhere, do another one of your memory things and we'll get going." 
  "I had no idea what he was talking about but I was too tired to argue so resigned to my fate I sent him a picture of my bedroom. 
   Suddenly I was engulfed in blackness, suffocating in its deep swirling depths all the air being squeezed out of me like a lemon until I was nothing but a rind. There was no escape and I truly thought I would die here in the dark with the cold arms of death slowly pulling me into their embrace. I felt as though my whole body skin bones, tissue and muscle (actually forget the last one) and all were turning to dust no gas, no liquid, well there really wasn't a feeling quite like it, it was a very strange. Time melded away I could have been there minutes or days my death eternal. 
   Then I was thrown violently into blinding light and I took great lungfuls of the blissful air until my ragged breath breath began to even out. It was my bedroom alright with the deep blue walls and grass green floor. I remember asking for it to be like this when I was 6, I said I wanted the outside inside so I'd never feel trapped. That all seemed so long ago now with all that had happened over the last few days. I felt thoroughly sick and would have quite happily gone to sleep there and then from exhaustion but my brain was swirling with questions. 
"Yes that's usually the general reaction the first time but you can't expect turning into pure shadow to be fun can you."
  "Why is it when you talk I don't understand a word your saying," I said with as much bite to my voice as I could manage which was none. He took the fight out of me and made me calm which was both nice and infuriating. 

"When did you first change into a fox?" He asked ignoring my question.
"Well actually when you saw me as a fox ,it kinda was my first shift," I answered nervously.
  "Did you see the strange man just before, he had a goatee and eyes like green headlights," he whispered in feverish excitement. 
  "Yeah I did...actually I bit him. How did you know him?"
"Every time I've heard about a one of us changing he was there, I've been tracking him all over the country for answers," he muttered distractedly. However I had seen a spark of amusement in his eyes when I mentioned the biting. Come to think of it, it was a pretty ridiculous thing to have done. Oh well. 
   "Could you please start speaking English," I asked feeling a little sick of only understanding half of what he said. He already caled me kid, I didn't want to feel like a child whenever he talked to me as well. 
"Yes I guess it is time I explained things but I..." He tried to say but keeled over halfway through the sentence. 

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