Chapter 1

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1-  A trial of epic proportions
I stared in the mirror and sighed. There was nothing I could do to look perfect but even so I had spent nearly an hour trying despite laying out clothes last night. I wanted to look inconspicuous but smart, confident but casual and so far I had achieved none of the above. 
  I had reason to be nervous for my first day at public school. For starters I was 15 and had never really interacted with people my own age unless you counted my foster brother who was only a few months younger than me. I had gone to public school once before but it was a disaster. 
   You see I'm a little...different and not in the usual supernatural way. No I'm a little runt fox shifter who is not only weak but sticks out like a sore thumb.  On my first day of primary school I tried to cover my ears with a hat but some kids thought it would be funny to steal it. When they saw the furry orange things sticking out of my mess of coppery hair they called me a freak. Then being your typical terrifying bitten werewolf kids they beat every last breath out of my body until I felt I was just a bag of blood. The teachers acted quickly and took me to the doctor they had on sight for instances like this (which happened surprisingly often for 5 year olds even if they were supernaturals.) 
   So I haven't been back since and now I am jittery as a Starbucks regular. In the mirror my reflection stared sullenly back at me refusing to conform to any sort of acceptable appearance. I resigned myself to my fate and slung on my favourite hoodie and some faded jeans. It was a comfortingly familiar clothing choice which I decided was the best to accompany me out of my comfort zone. 
   It had in fact been my choice to go back and I had begged Jarred (my foster father) for some time before he agreed. I didn't really even need to go I was already leaps and bounds ahead of people my age in most subjects but I wanted desperately to socialise  again.
 "Lay stop doing your hair and come down and get some breakfast or you'll be late," Jarred yelled from downstairs. I scowled not only had he called me Lay a nickname I had tried to shut down from the start but he had made a sly dig at my hair which is untamable. Though when the smell of pancakes came wafting up my mind  immediately turned to food.
 I shot down the stairs earning a disapproving look from Angela (my foster mother) but I was too busy composing a masterpiece of pancake and syrup to care. "Morning," Jarred chuckled as he watched me bolt down my food.
"You know if I did that you would get mad at me," Benny laughed.
"Well it's Lay's first day he needs fuel," Angela told him while busying herself making coffee.
"Please don't call me that," I groaned.

"Sorry there just aren't many nicknames for Blaze," Jarred said.
"Okay while you think of some I'm going to school,"  I said through a mouthful of food. 
"Remember your beanie and no wagging your tail," Jarred called a note of worry in his voice.
"I'll be fine don't worry," I said more to myself than him. 
   I was close enough to the school to walk though walking on my own was a lonely was to travel. I really hoped I would soon have friends to walk with but I decided that was wishful thinking. When I reached the school the ominous iron gates stood in my way. In the centre the gates curled and twisted to create the supernatural crest. This was an all supernatural school which were dotted around all over the place to keep the humans from knowing about us. We keep them from applying by making admission hugely expensive and the catchment area ridiculously close for humans you may doubt this method but it works. 
   As I expected eyes followed me eerily as I walked to the office to collect my timetable. Mentally I was patting myself down asking myself over and over whether you could see my tail through my jeans and I pulled my hat down so much I strongly suspect people thought I had a twitch. It was at moments like these I was glad of my long hair that covered my ears. By the time I got to the office I was utterly rattled and wondering how on Earth I was going to make it through the day. 
  "Hey Hun what can I do for you today," the motherly looking woman at the desk asked with a brilliant smile. 
  "I-I'm here to uh get my schedule," I said nervously. 
"Oh you're Blaze the new student, it's a pleasure to meet you and here is your schedule," she said brightly. I was relieved by her bubbly personality I was scared she'd be like one of those witches in stories. Although she could easily have been a witch they didn't have powerful scents and since I hadn't  shifted yet I didn't have my fox senses. 
   I was supposed to have shifted at around ten or twelve at the latest like most shapeshifters but as usual I was the odd one out being 15 and not having a fox form yet. It was exhausting keeping this a secret and I can imagine many situations where being able to bite back would have been useful. I also didn't have a spirit animal like most shifters but I was hoping once I shifted I would have a friendly fox to guide me. It would make a change from having no blood family. I didn't like to bring them up, I was a little afraid of finding out why I was alone. 
   So what did I have today. As it was the first day we had form for two periods time which would be spent helping us settle in and introduce us to each other once again for everyone else but for the first time for me. 
  Then I had art before lunch which wouldn't be too trying though the lunch part afterwards sounded terrifying. I had no idea whether I would be at alone at lunch I mean I could cling onto Benny like a limpet but that would be cruel. He wasn't even my real brother so forcing the new kid on him would be unfair.  

  After that I had Biology which I loved. We always did the biology of supernatural's rather than normal creatures which I found incredibly interesting. The school was made up of around 30% shapeshifters 50% werewolves 5% witches and wizards and 15% other supernaturals. 
  But then I had gym the most dreaded subject of all and that was all I could think about for the rest of the day. 

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