Chapter 20

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20- freeze frame

I wondered around in a daze gaping at the landscape around me. Not a single thing moved. No breeze lazed through the grass, no clouds moved across the sky, no bees went around pollinating the flowers. It was all just stuck. 
   I walked up to each of my friends, oh and Rald, trying to get a reaction from them but to no avail. Everything felt a little colder all of a sudden and more isolated. I panicked a little, what if I was stuck like this forever? Lost in one instance of time.
   After I got over that traumatic thought I got a little mischievous. I put Donovan's fist in front of Rald's face in the hope when they woke Donovan would accidentally punch Rald. It was easy enough to do, their bodies were stiff but not immovable. Then as a little payback I grabbed the others one at a time and put them in funny poses. Kal for example had her hand on her hip and was wagging a finger at Lauren who had one eyebrow quirked and was standing on one leg. Immature I know but I was very tickled by it all. 
Once I got my giggles out the way I got worried again. I didn't know when I'd unfreeze and how the water would react when it was released. I decided to move Donovan...and Rald away from the tidal wave. This proved to be very difficult as they were both at least twice my size and eventually I resorted to just rolling them away from the scene. Once they were at a safe distance and put back into their previous attack and victim poses I stood back and turned to the water once again. How could I get rid of it?
   I wished for some odd reason that a black hole could suddenly appear and envelop the water. And for another odd reason it did.  A whole so dark all the light in the clearing started to fall into it suddenly appeared. I let out a yelp of surprise as the water flew into it and the whole seemingly satisfied swallowed itself and dissipated. A hole in the fabric of space had just appeared , had a drink and left again. I let out a tired sigh feeling drained and closed my eyes. 
   Suddenly there were squeals of laughter and surprise as people unfroze and realized the compromising stances they were in. I heard a crunch and many profanities as Rald was hit square in the nose. Blood spurted like a fountain and I wheezed with laughter happily watching him slink away.
   "You've got some explaining to do," Van said though appreciatively.  
So I explained to them what happened and they lapsed after some glares into thoughtful silence. "I guess you're a time controller then," Lauren murmured. 
  "Yes and no, he has the time manipulation but what about the space manipulation with the black hole," Allister replied pensively. 
  "I heard of this actually. If a kitsune has two parents usually normal fox shifters with the blood of two different kitsune's in their ancestry you get a kind of hybrid. It's almost unheard of because the 13 types don't get on too well with each other. However I would bet good money that Blaze has the blood of a void fox and a time fox running through his veins. He got lucky and got just the right combination of genes."
  "Kukan and Jikan it's got to be," Kal agreed. 
"A kukajik!" Grace yelled with glee. 
"A powerful friend," Van smiled.
  "Or a powerful enemy," I laughed though there were only titters in response. I thought about what they had said before about void foxes being one of the most evil and gulped. Lets hope I never had to see that side of myself. 
"It's been a long day guys lets get back to the cabin it's getting dark," Lauren told us and I nodded vigorously. I was very tired. 

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