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"And the most unexpected relationship award of the month goes to Ben and Allister. Although the fact that you're foster brother and real sister both got together with people on the same day was a pretty weird coincidence in itself."
   "Yeah but at least Amaya and Mark's brother make a cute couple. Lara and Rald, that's just plain wrong."
   "I totally called it though," Van grinned smugly. 

We both sat on the window seat in our new apartment. The two of us were both at university along with some of friends. It had been a few years since the battle with the council and the supernatural world had changed a lot. It was now a democracy and this years elected over-seer of things was non other than Horace. He had already made sure that the segregation of weak creatures was over and now everyone had more equal rights. Van and I couldn't have picked a better choice ourselves. 
   As for us we were still very much together and were studying me to become a university professor in the classics so I could teach about some of the mythology of our kinds and Van to become a chef which he was already excelling at. However as we were both supernaturals leaps and bounds ahead of the humans in the brain department we had plenty of time to develop our powers on the side. I could now teleport us instantly to anywhere in the world do I regularly took us for picnics in some of the most beautiful spots the planet had to offer. Meanwhile Van could run faster than any stallion in existence so he'd bring me all sorts of amazing gifts from his travels. We occasionally would use the gift to win big horse races too which we were perfect for because I was small enough to be the perfect jockey and he was fast enough to beat anyone. 
    For  a long time though I could sense there was something still missing for him from our relationship. I tried to assure him there was nothing that could have made me happier than simply being with him but I still caught him giving me guilty looks. 
   It was the same look he had as he sat looking out of the window. "Blay I need to tel you something," he sighed. 
   "What is it Van?"
"I want to tell you about my past. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's just there's a lot I've struggled coming to terms with and until now I couldn't accept the person I was,"he whispered. I gripped his hand and smiled up at him. This was what had been eating away at him all these years.
 "You can tell me anything Van. I'll always love you no matter what."
"Please just don't hate me. There's nothing worse I could imagine than seeing loathing towards me in those beautiful eyes."
"I could never hate you amore."

"I grew up in a huge herd of horse shifters who adopted me when I was just a foal. They didn't know where I came from as is the case with most puca's but they cared for me anyway and I was very happy. That is until one day some ranchers came and began to capture everyone from the herd, they told me to leave, that I was destined for greater things than them but I couldn't listen. These people were mutts a mix of many dark supernatural species that go around capturing and selling valuable individuals. 
   I was bought along with many of the other horses by a rich werewolf. He treated us all very cruelly but gave me as what he deemed the most valuable prize to his eldest son. I was only eleven and still not a fully grown horse but that boy didn't care. If I couldn't keep up with his demands the brat would beat me and he always rode me to the brink of exhaustion. After one particularly cruel punishment I returned to my stable filled with a burning anger. I awoke from sleep as a sleek black crow. Without hesitation I spread my wings and flew from my stall. 
   Outside was that horrid child glaring at me with his cold piggy eyes. He recognised me despite my different shape and opened his mouth to raise the alarm. However before he could scream the water from a nearby trough encompassed his head. The boy couldn't breath. Somehow I knew it was me controlling the water but I couldn't stop it. Instead I fled on the wing and never looked back. I've been running from the crime ever since," he finished hanging his head in shame. 
   "Oh Van I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I know you can't accept what you did but it wasn't you're fault, they would have killed you eventually. You were just defending yourself."
  "Do you hate me?"
"I love you mi amore and nothing could ever change that. I'm glad you finally got the courage to tell me."
   "I love you too Blaze more than all the stars in the sky."
"And I love you more than all the hairs in a trolls nostril," I giggled and he started laughing too. 

 "Let's go to Paris to celebrate."
"Let's," he agreed staring with adoration deep into my eyes. 
And with that we disappeared from the apartment and went to find our next adventure. 
   When we arrived a familiar face was waiting for us. It was the man that had turned us both into what we are today. The man with the musical instruments at my old school. We had a lot to talk about. 

The end

A/N hope you enjoyed this book it took me a long time to write and I really enjoyed it. 

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