Chapter 28

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28- the not so great escape

The flap opened and I felt the atmosphere in the room tense. Everyone in the room had suddenly gone stock still. "Now," a voice whispered but nothing happened. Or it didn't appear to as everyone in the room held hands as Horace and Blaze stopped time. Then they slunk to the door and opened it with ease that they were not expecting. On the other side of the door Allister stood grinning as he leaned against a control panel. The genius had stolen a guards uniform fox only knows how and had used his magic to make the machine controlling the lock on the door deactivate itself. Blaze unfroze him and the group moved on. 
   In a much more luxurious room down the corridor the others were waiting to be unfrozen. Horace obliged and they all huddled together. "So are you ready to take this place down," Lauren asked eagerly. 
   "Of course. The council have been in my side for almost a thousand years now," Horace growled. 
   The two timekeepers unfroze the world and instantly alarms started blaring. The group transformed onto their many animal forms and charged out of the room...only to find themselves surrounded. 
   "I knew that was too easy why on Earth would they keep such powerful creatures restrained by nothing but four walls and a locked door." Melody sighed. 
   "Well if we don't fight now we'll die later. Come on," I yelled and charged forwards into the crowd. I was followed by my friends and together we slowly made our way through the crowd of soldiers. They were clad in thick Dragon hide armour which would have been impenetrable had it not been for Kal who with her dragon claws could slash through the stuff. The battle was bloody and full of many different types of magic some ancient and some dark clashing. It made for a beautiful display but a hard fight and the team did not all emerge unscathed. 
   Grace and Mark were both mortally wounded during the battle. Each clutched a large slash across their chests which was caused by a huge troll and his Coral glass spiked club. "We need to get Grace to water and Mark to some elven healers. Blaze you should be able to do it," Lauren shouted and Horace nodded. 
   "How I wouldn't know where to begin?"
"Take Van and Amaya with you they'll help you find what you're looking for. As for how just open up a rip in space and you should be able to go through it to anywhere in the world."
   "Okay Mark I need you to think of some elven healers alright?" He nodded feebly as blood seeped from his wound. I found the picture and lodged it in my mind as I opened a rip in space in well the fabric of space feeling the energy drain from my body.
   "We'll meet you back at the Cabin if we don't die," Allister said cheerfully and they all moved further into the Council base. 
   "Down the rabbit hole," I said before grabbing onto Van and Amaya who held Mark and Grace. We plunged into the darkness and I tried to find some more light. 

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