Chapter 1.

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I woke up with a start. Sweat was trickling down my body and I was shaking. I looked at my alarm clock on my bedside table and saw that it was 1 in the morning. Another nightmare, I thought. I got up from my comfortable bed and went to wash my face in my en suite bathroom. When I looked at my reflection, I gasped. The girl who was staring back at me had dark circles under her eyes, her skin, ashen, and her emotionless eyes showed nothing but tiredness. Physical and mental tiredness.

I sighed. When will these nightmares end?

I went back to bed and laid down, just staring at my ceiling, trying to fall asleep. An hour had passed and I was nowhere near sleepy. So, I got a book from my shelf and started reading. I had no idea how long I've been reading because the next thing I noticed were the little rays of sunshine peeping through my curtains. I checked the time and saw that it was 6 in the morning.

I might as well get up now, I thought to myself.

Like a zombie on auto-pilot, I went to my bathroom, took a quick shower and got out. I didn't even bother to dress up for school so I picked the first outfit I saw, which was my brother's old hoodie, a pair of stone-washed skinny jeans and a tank top. I paired the pathetic outfit with my worn out white converse. I put on some mascara and lip gloss and sauntered out of my bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetie." Said my mom while she was putting pancakes on a plate for me.

"Good morning, Mom." I replied almost lifeless.

My dad, who was sitting at the counter reading the daily newspaper, looked up and frowned at me.
"Another sleepless night, honey?" He asked, his voice full of concern and sadness.

I just nodded and stared at my breakfast as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. My mom cleared her throat and said almost painfully, "Honey, why don't you just continue seeing that therapist again. It might help an-"

"No Mom! Talking about it to that stupid therapist won't help. I tried it and it sucked. So let's just all pretend that I'm fine and that everything's fine. Okay?" She was cut off by my sharp tone of voice.

She just nodded and smiled sadly at me. I didn't mean to snap at her. It's just that she and dad don't understand. Nobody does.


It was the first day of school after the winter break and the air was still chilly. I wrapped my hands around myself, giving myself the warmth and comfort that I desperately need. I walked to school alone, thinking a thousands thoughts and in no time, I reached the familiar dull gate of our high school, Crestview High.

I ducked my head and continued the walk to the main door when I bumped into someone. Shocked, I didn't even dare to look at the person. I said my apologies and started to walk away only to be pulled back, no, more like yanked by my hair.
"Watch where you're going, you blind bitch." The queen bee of Crestview High, Allison, sneered at me.

"I d-didn't mean t-to. I s-swear." I stuttered, looking anywhere but her. It was then that I noticed that every pair of eyes in the school parking lot was looking at the drama unfolding before them.

"I'd be very careful next time if I were you. Precious cargo here." She pointed to herself.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes and just smiled apologetically and turned to walk away. If by precious cargo, you mean that pathetic excuse of a plastic job, then sure. I thought to myself as I huffed internally.

The students started murmuring and I practically speed-walked my way to the toilets. As I got there, I splashed my face with the ice cold water and took a minute to compose myself.

Jeez, what an awesome start to my first day, I thought sarcastically. The shrill sound of the bell ringing took me out of my internal cry.

I dried my face and went out into the hallways. There were still some students loitering and suddenly I felt uneasy, like I was being watched. I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe it was just my stupid imagination and I'm just being paranoid, I thought hopefully.

I got to class with just a minute to spare and went straight to my usual seat which was by the window.

Our English teacher, Mr Barnes entered a minute after. "Good morning class. I hope you had a good break. I sure did, anyway." He gave us a wink. Mr. Barnes was probably the only attractive teacher in our school, considering that he's just in his mid 20s.

"I had an awesome summer, Mr Barnes." Nicola, one of the school's slut and also one of Allison's minions, purred flirtatiously.

"Good. Now, guys I want you all to start writing the summary of the first chapter of the novel we're doing this year. I want it by Friday."

Everyone groaned except me. I love English. The art of literature took me away from the harsh and brutal reality of my life. I love reading too, but I won't consider myself a nerd. I just love the feeling I get when I read a book and everything and everyone kinda just disappears for a while.

By the time I'm done, the bell rang for second period. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to my chemistry class.

"Hey Grace, wait up." Zoe, my best friend shouted at me from the other end of the hallway.

"Zoe, I'm late for class. I'll talk to you at lunch, okay?" I said apologetically. "Sure, Grace. Are you okay?" I faked a smile and told her that everything's fine and that I'd catch up with her later.

As I made my way to class, I got that same feeling like I was being watched again. I shook it off and continued my walk when I bumped into something hard. I looked up and saw a boy with a pair of the most bluest eyes I've ever seen. He was looking at me, studying me. He cleared his throat and I blushed, realizing that he noticed me spacing out. Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone the second it came. Guilt.

"I-I am s-so sorry. I didn't see y-you there." His 6'2 frame made me feel intimidated. He just clenched his jaw and walked away.

Throughout the rest of the class, only one thing was on my mind. Why did he look so guilty?



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