Chapter 23.

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Hunter and I spent the rest of the week at my grandparent's house and it seems like they like him more each day, especially my Nana. We were going back on Sunday and it was currently Saturday.

My family decided to spend the rest of the day with Nana because I don't know when I could come visit again. So here we were, in Nana's room, Hunter and I sprawled on the floor while my parents and granddad were seated on the chairs encircling Nana's bed, telling stories and sharing memories.

Nana and Dada proceeded to tell all of us their love story, again. I've heard this story for about a thousand times, but every time I hear it, it never fails to make my heart flutter. Especially when granddad looks at grandma lovingly, as if she was a precious gem that might lose her shine if he looked away. The love and adoration present in his eyes as he watched her talking about it made me feel all warm and fuzzy, so I scooted over to Hunter's side and laid my head on his shoulder, both of us listening with great interest.

"I slapped him hard for what he said and after that, he wouldn't stop chasing me around. He would appear out of nowhere, begging me to go out with him," Nana chuckled as her soft gaze landed on Dada. "I did not beg," Dada puffed out his chest and tried to look serious.

"We both know you did, sweetheart," Nana laughed and shakiky lifted her hand, making it seem as though it weighed too much, and put it on his cheek. Dada took her hand and kissed it. "Yes, I did," he mumbled, causing all of us to laugh.

Nana shook her head at her childish husband and turned to Hunter and I. "Hunter dear, why don't you tell us about your family?"

I felt Hunter tensed beside me and I lifted my head to take a look at him. His gaze was fixed on the ground and his eyes held a mountain of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher because he was looking away from me.

Over the short span of time that I've known Hunter, he's never told me anything about his family. All I know is that he has a mother and a brother. I've never seen them before and whenever I brought it up, he would gently glide through the topic.

Sensing his obvious discomfort, I cleared my throat loudly, earning my Nana's attention. I gave her a look that said 'let it go' and she looked confused. She turned her gaze towards Hunter who was shifting in his seat on the floor and looked back to me, realization dawning on her features.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. Don't mind my curiosity," she said sincerely and Hunter looked up at her and nodded. Dad clapped his hands suddenly, causing me to jump in fright. I held my fast beating heart and looked at Dad, bewildered by his sudden weird action.

"Let's play monopoly," he said enthusiastically and everyone except Hunter and I agreed. Dad gave me a look and I suddenly realized that he was trying to change the subject and easing the tension, so I gave him a thankful smile and stood up to get the board game from the family room.

"I call dibs on the banker," I said as soon as I came back to Nana's room. "No, I'll be the banker since I can't play," said Nana smugly and I grumbled under my breath as I made my way to the side of her bed, next to Hunter.

For the next hour or two, we played monopoly while laughing and complaining at most times. Throughout the game, Hunter kept quiet, only speaking when necessary. Everyone in the room noticed this and I was worried about him.

"How about we call it quits?" Mom said as she got up and stretched her hands. "Yeah, your Nana needs to rest now," Dada added. We all got up, stretching our aching muscles and joints and said goodnight to Nana. As we were about to leave, she called out to me, "Gracey, can I talk to you?" I turned to her and nodded, letting the others file out of the room and went to her side.

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