Chapter 6.

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"What's going on with you?" Zoe asked me curiously. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You have this weird smile on your face. It's creeping me out" she pointed to my face. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing is going on" I tried to hide my smile but failed miserably. Truth is, I couldn't stop thinking about Hunter and our little 'moment', if you could even call it that.

"There you go again. Oh my gosh! I think I know what's going on" she halted to a stop in the middle of the hallway.

"What?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"It's Kyle, isn't it?" I blinked. I haven't told her about Hunter. I thought I would play along with her for a little bit.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm going to class now, bye Zo" I winked at her suggestively. I heard her grunt but continued walking, silently laughing at her.

"Guys, I have an assignment for you. You all need to write a five hundred word essay on a topic of your choice. It counts for twenty percent of your grade so be creative, people. I want it by the end of this month" Mr Barnes announced.

A series of groans and whispers erupted while I just kept quiet.

"What are you going to write about?" Kyle asked as he came to sit in front of me. "It's a secret, for now" I teased. He flicked my nose and turned to the front.

I scowled at his back. I'll get him back for that.

The bell rang so Kyle and I both made our way to our next class.

"Are you free on Friday night?" Kyle looked down at me, a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

We sat down at our assigned seats and took out our materials for the experiment.
"I guess. Why?" I asked incredulously.

"I was thinking maybe you and I could, you know, go watch a movie or something" he smiled nervously.

"Like a date?"

"If you want it to be, sure."

I could tell that he was still nervous, so I decided to tease him a bit. Payback for flicking my nose earlier. "Does The Kyle Edwards, want to take little ol' me, on a movie date? I thought you had more originality, but I guess I was wrong" I dramatically sighed.

"N-no. We could do some other stuff too, if you want."

I feigned shock,"What are you suggesting, mister? First date and you already want to try other stuff ?"

He shook his head frantically, "No, no that was not what I meant. You said that I-"
"Relax Kyle, I'm just messing with you" I laughed at his scared face. "You should've seen the way you looked though. Priceless" I snickered.

"That was not funny" he grumbled.

"It definitely was."

"Was not."

"It was."



He was cut off by the intense glare we got from our teacher. "Quit bickering, both of you."

Kyle pouted in his seat while I just stuck my tongue out at him. Very mature, I know.


It was lunch hour, so Kyle, Zoe and I were all seated in our regular spot. Kyle sat next to me while Zoe occupied the opposite seat. We were munching on our food when Zoe spoke.



"Uhm, don't look now, but there's a guy staring at your back. He looks mad at something" Zoe whispered.

I almost choked on the salad I was eating. "What? Who?"

Kyle turned around to look at the mystery guy "It's that loner kid who barely attends school. Do you know him Grace?"

I subtly looked behind my shoulder and gasped. Hunter.

"Not really. We talked on a couple occasions" I waved it off nonchalantly, not wanting to go into the details. Inside, I was nervous and excited at the same time.

"Okay. That's weird" Zoe piped in. I shrugged and continued eating my lunch.

"So, Friday. I'll come pick you up at 7?"

"What's going on at 7?" A confused Zoe asked. "We're going on a date" Kyle answered smugly, putting an arm around my shoulders. "And you didn't even think of telling me?" She glared at me playfully.

"I'll tell you all about it later."


"Uh Grace? Could we exchange numbers? And your address?" Kyle asked sheepishly.

Cue mental face palm. I totally forgot. "Oh yeah. Right." I gave him my number and address.

Soon, the bell rang and Kyle got up "I have to go. I'll see you guys around."

Zoe and I had a free period so we decided to go hang out at the football field. I then proceeded to update her about everything that happened earlier.

"I'll come over in the afternoon to help you get ready" Zoe squealed like a fan girl.

"Okay, thanks Zo."


When I got home, I decided to call my parents. It's been a while.

Ring ring. "Grace? Is everything okay?" My dad answered, worry in his voice.

"I'm fine, dad. Just wanted to call and check on you guys. How is Nana?"

"Your mom is helping her get to sleep right now, she just had a bath so she's pretty tired" my dad sighed over the phone.

"When are you guys coming back?"

"As soon as Nana feels better, honey" my dad said apologetically.

I sighed. "Okay dad, tell mom, granddad and Nana I said hi, and I hope she gets better soon."

"Sure honey. Take care." "You too, Dad." Then I hung up.

I didn't feel like making any dinner for myself so I called the Chinese place downtown for some wanton and soup.

I ran upstairs, changed into my favorite pink PJs, and came back down. I turned on the TV and settled on a cooking show.

Thirty minutes later, my food arrived. Finally. I paid the food delivery guy and went to the kitchen to get some plates and cutlery. I devoured the food in less than fifteen minutes. What? I was hungry and food is life. Give me a break.

It was 10 at night and I was snuggled on the couch, watching some soap opera that was on. I was slowly drifting to sleep when the loud sound of the doorbell rang. Who could it be?

I tiptoed to the front door, scared to make any noise in case it was a burglar or a murderer. Why would a burglar or a murderer ring the doorbell? I slapped myself mentally.

I opened the door hesitantly and came face to chest with a black figure. I looked up and my jaw dropped.

"Uhm, hey Grace."



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