Thank You.

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"As a writer, if someone falls in love with my work, I know they have fallen in love with my mind. Having no idea what my face looks like, they chose my mind. Art may be the only place a woman can be whole without being seen." - Nayyirah Waheed

I just want to thank you all for supporting me and my book from the very start. You have no idea how much I'm grateful for it. Thank you to those who have voted and commented on the chapters, even the silent readers, you guys are very much appreciated and loved. I wouldn't have finished the book without your unending love and support, you guys are just too awesome x.

You guys have been my inspiration as much as I've been yours. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to write this book and share my love for literature with each one of you.

Thank you so much, my loves.
I love you all so much.

Much love,

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