Chapter 3.

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School passed by in a blur and I was currently sitting in my room, headphones on, blasting Justin Bieber's new songs. I was humming along, suddenly I noticed that my mom was standing by my bed with a reprimanding look. "Mom, why didn't you knock?" I said grumpily. "I've been knocking for almost a minute. I thought something has happened to you since you were not answering, so I came in."

"Oh, right. Sorry Mom." I smiled sheepishly. "Anyway, I need you to go to the store. I'm going to bake some cookies for your grandparents and I need some ingredients." I looked at her with a confused expression. "Oh Honey, we forgot to tell you. Your dad and I are going to visit your grandparents for a couple days. Nana's not feeling well and she needs someone to look after her." She said while looking at me cautiously.

"Nana's sick? Is she going to be okay? Why is she sick? What happened? How di-" I was cut off from my rant by my Mom. "She's fine, sweetheart. Old age is just getting to her, that's all." She smiled sadly. "Will you be okay to stay alone for a couple days?" I nodded. "I'll be fine Mom, don't worry about me."

She got up from her seat on my bed and gave me some money to go buy the ingredients. I sighed. I hope Nana will be fine.

I got up and put on a jacket since it was still chilly outside. As I left the house, I put on my headphones and carried on the 15 minute journey to the supermarket.

I reached the supermarket and made my way to the groceries aisle. I was looking at the different types of chocolate chips when someone cleared their throat.

"Uhm, which one should I get? Strawberry or chocolate?" Mr blue eyes asked me, holding two types of syrup in his hands. "Chocolate. You can never go wrong with chocolate." I smiled nervously. He nodded.

"Thanks. I'm Hunter, by the way. Hunter Raines." He held out his hand for me to shake. I looked at his extended hand, then at him, then back to his hand.

"I-I'm uh, I'm G-Grace. Grace Hart." Why am I always nervous around him? Jeez Grace. I took his hand and shook it. The moment he touched my hand, I felt tingles rush up my arms and I quickly pulled away, blushing. I freaking blushed. Mental face palm, please.

He must have seen my blush because when I looked up at him, he was smirking. The idiot actually smirked. But, damn he looked more hot when he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and continued getting the rest of my groceries. When we reached the cashier, I took out my purse to pay for it, but Mr Blue Ey-, I mean, Hunter, beat me to it. "Hey, why did you do that?" I said angrily. I barely know the guy and now, he's paying for my groceries.

He just shrugged and took the groceries, carrying them out of the store, with a very angry me trailing behind him. We stepped outside and I crossed my arms on my chest, giving him my best glare.

"Are you trying to kill me with that glare?" He laughed. I softened up a bit because his laughter sounded so- NO! I will not be charmed by his stupid magical laughter. I glared at him again.

"A simple thank you would've been nice." He said. A crooked smile playing on his lips. "I'm perfectly capable of paying for them on my own, but, thanks." I smiled.

"I was definitely right." He said teasingly. "Right about what?" I asked, confused. "You look better when you smile." He answered back and started walking. I was speechless.

"Are you going to stand there all night?" He shouted. I huffed and followed him. "Wait, where are you going with my groceries?" I asked him once I was by his side. "Well, technically they're mine since I paid for them." That earned him a slap on the back from me. "So violent." He mumbled.

I smiled victoriously. "Since it's getting dark, I thought I'd walk you home. I heard there are many monsters roaming around at this time." He looked so serious that I didn't know how to reply to that. Then he laughed. He was laughing so hard that tears pooled in his eyes.

"Your fa-face. I can't even.." He continued laughing till he looked at me and stopped. I was shooting him daggers. I could tell that he was controlling his laughter by the way he's biting his lips to keep himself from bursting into fits again.

"That wasn't funny." I huffed. "It kinda was. Your expression was funnier though, I swear." I ignored him and walked faster. "Hey, I'm sorry for laughing, okay? I didn't mean to." He looked at me apologetically. "Fine whatever. Just don't talk anymore." I said, pouting. I could see him looking at me from my peripheral vision but I chose to ignore him, and also ignored the weird feeling I got when he looked at me.

10 minutes later, we reached my house and we were both standing outside my porch. "Uhh, thanks for dropping me home. And for the groceries too." I said nervously. "No problem, it was my pleasure. See you at school tomorrow." He said and turned to leave. When he reached the end of the driveway, he turned around and said, "Goodnight Grace, don't let the monsters get you." He smiled playfully.

"Goodnight Hunter." I whispered. Little did he know that those monsters lived in my dreams.


"Honey, are you sure you'll be okay all alone? You can come with us if you want to." My mom said for the umpteenth time.

"I want to, Mom, but I can't afford to miss classes. Tell Nana and granddad I said hi and that I hope she gets well soon." I reassured her.

"Okay honey. Will do. Take care, we'll call you when we get there. And you call us if you need anything too." Said my mom.

Both my parents kissed me on my forehead and left. I watched them leave and hoped that everything will be fine.

It was just 7 in the morning and school starts till 8:30, so I made my way upstairs to shower. Half an hour later, I stood in front of my closet and stared at the different outfits. I took out a tank top and a grey knitted sweater. It reached my mid-thigh so I wore black leggings and my black knee high boots. I apllied my usual makeup, grabbed my bag and left.

As I was nearing the gates of our school, my heart started beating uncontrollably fast. Then, when I looked up, I saw the reason for my accelerated 'lub dub'.



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