Chapter 8.

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It's Friday. Finally. I'm kind of excited for my date with Kyle, even though it's just dinner and a movie; he's fun to hang out with. Sighing happily, I rolled out of bed and turned on my MP3 player to some Indie song. I turned up the volume and went to the bathroom to shower. I didn't want to wear anything too fancy now, I'll save that for the date later. So, I put on a red blouse, blue skinny jeans and a denim jacket.

Pleased with how I looked, I skipped downstairs to the kitchen. Ten minutes later, I was out of my house and onto the familiar path to school. I put on my headphones and lost myself to the beat of 'Bad' by The Cab.

A loud honking noise broke me from my internal performance of the song. I took out my earphones and turned to look at the culprit.

"Shouldn't your boyfriend be picking you up instead of making you walk?" Hunter asked with a smirk. I ignored him and continued walking. I heard him sigh, "Just kidding. Need a ride?"

I stopped walking and turned to him, only to see that stupid smirk still plastered on his face. "Nope. I have two perfectly working legs that can get me to school, but thanks for the offer."

"Oh come on, it's just a lift. I don't bite."


"Did Kyle forbid you to or something?" Anger evident in his tone.

"What? No!" I said hurriedly. What the hell.

"Then?" I sighed. I figured he won't stop pestering me till I gave in so I got into his car and made sure to slam the door real hard.

"Now, was that so hard? Although you didn't need to slam my door. The poor thing did nothing to you." I can tell he's smiling but I just ignored him and stared out the window.

"You look pretty today" he said softly. I turned to look at him smiling at me shyly. "Thanks.." I turned away from him, afraid he'll see my blush.

"Kyle's a lucky guy," he mumbled. I don't know why I need to justify myself to him, but I did anyway, "He's not my boyfriend, Hunter. You got your facts wrong."

He didn't say anything and just stared at the road in front of him. Soon, we were at the gates of the school and Hunter parked his car. "Thanks for the ride Hunter, I'll see you around."

When I got out of the car, I saw that most of the students were either staring at me or whispering to each other.

"I thought she was dating Kyle Edwards."

"Is she two-timing Kyle with Hunter?"

"Desperate bitch". Wow, okay that one hurt. I ignored all their pointless whispers and went to my first class.

"Good morning Grace... What's wrong?" Kyle asked once he noticed my sour expression. "Nothing, Kyle. I'm fine." "You sure?" He pressed. "Yeah.."

He let the matter drop, which I'm thankful for and concentrated on the lesson at hand.

By the time lunch came, the whispers and rumors have died down a bit.

"These people seriously need to get a life" I mumbled as I took my seat in the cafeteria. Zoey just looked at me sadly, "I heard the rumors. You're right, they need to get their priorities straight."

Kyle sat down a couple minutes later and gave me a side hug and a nod to Zoe. "Did you hear about the gossip?" Zoe asked Kyle curiously. I looked at Kyle to see his reaction.

"Do you honestly think I would listen to all that crap?" He turned and gave me a small smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. I smiled back and continued eating my lunch.

"I have to go, I'll catch up with you girls later. Oh and Grace, see you tonight" he winked at me and got up. Zoe sighed dreamily, "You guys make such a cute couple."

I rolled my eyes, "We're not a couple, Zo. We're just two friends who are going out to watch a movie and eat dinner." She scoffed, "Yeah, sure. Just friends."

I ignored her last statement and instead asked her to come over early tonight to help me get ready. "Gray, of course I will. Oh my gosh, I am going to make sure that Kyle's jaw drops when he sees you," she gushed. All her squealing and happy dancing is making me excited for the 'date'.

"Thanks Zo, you're the best." "I know." She oh so modestly replies. Yep, sarcasm.


Thump! A flying shoe hit me. I groaned and rubbed my sore hand. "Zoe, can you not throw my stuffs? You hit me with a shoe," I complained. "Stop whining. I'm trying to help you here."

I mumbled a 'whatever' and laid down on my bed. I only have an hour to get ready and Kyle will be picking me up.

"This is perfect. It screams chill but excited and it's not too casual either. Very ideal for a first date." Zoe showed me the outfit in her hand. It was a black crop top with a white heart in the middle, a white blazer and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. Not bad, I thought.

As I was done showering an hour ago, I let Zoe do my make up first. She didn't go over the top and cake my face with it, but just applied enough make up to give me a natural look that complimented my eyes. She straightened my hair and then told me to put my clothes on.

"Go get ready in the bathroom, I'll get your shoes for you." She pushed me into the bathroom. Five minutes later, I came out and Zoe squealed like a six year old who just got candy. "You look amazing, Gray. Kyle is a lucky guy," she winked.

Suddenly my thoughts went to Hunter. He said the exact same thing earlier. Coincidence? I think not.

Clearing my thoughts, I gave Zoe a hug, "Thanks for everything, Zo."

"No problem. Besides, it's my job as your best friend to help you out in these situations. It's written in the manual, basically," she grinned. A honking sound is heard and suddenly I became nervous.

"I'll get the door, you grab all your other necessities." I nodded. She handed me my shoes, which are my favorite pair of black studded ankle boots and went to answer the door.

I was making my way down the stairs and I caught Kyle's attention. He was talking to Zoe but he stopped suddenly. "W-wow Grace. Y-You look beautiful, as always". He was nervous, I could tell.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself."

"Oh, I brought you these," he handed me some flowers. I think they're tulips, I don't really know. "They're beautiful, thanks." He just smiled at me.

"Let me take those and put them in a vase for you Gray. You both should get going." She hugged me and whispered, "told you his jaw would drop." I hit her playfully and hugged her back. Then, I followed Kyle to his car.

"You kids be careful, don't do anything I wouldn't do, or whatever. Enjoy." Zoe shouted at us from my doorway. Kyle and I laughed at her and drove away.

What I thought would be just dinner and a movie, turned out to be something I didn't anticipate. Little did I know that fate had other plans, and I did not expect my date to go that way.


Yay or nay chapter?
*sigh* it will get better, I promise. Meanwhile, vote and comment.

Much love,

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