Chapter 2.

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When lunch came, I made my way to the cafeteria. Zoe waved at me from the lunch line. "I'll get your lunch, you go save us a seat." She told me. I just nodded and went to sit at the far end of the cafeteria.

Two minutes later, she plunked down on the seat opposite of me and huffed. "Man, that was a long line. So anyway, what's up? Is everything okay?"

I paid her back for my lunch and started to munch on the greasy French fries. I sighed. Cafeteria food is gross. I looked up to see her waiting eagerly for my answer.
"Well, I've been having those nightmares again and my parents think I should see that stupid therapist again. It's not like she could stop those nightmares anyway. I just don't see the point." I mumbled.

She just smiled at me with empathy. That's what I loved about my best friend. She doesn't pity me or my situation because she knows I hate that.

"Well, whatever you decide to do, you know I'll always be here for you, right Gray? I mean, I may not understand what you went through or what you're going through, but I promise you, you won't have to go through it all alone." She said with a look that made me smile, a real smile.

"I know that. I really appreciate your friendship, you know. I love you, Zo." I beamed at her.

"Of course you do, I'm just so amazeballs." She said in a fake high pitched voice, trying to lighten up the mood. "But, seriously, I love you too Gray." She smiled.

When lunch ended, we made our way to the rest of our classes. When the last bell of the day rang, I practically ran out of the classroom and through the front door of the school.

"Gray, do you need a ride?" Zoe asked. "No it's okay. I want to walk." I replied. She just nodded and drove away.

I don't have a car because I know I don't need it right now. My house is not that far from the school, and walking gives me time to think. I like that. As I made my way home, my mind went straight to the blue eyed boy. For sure he didn't hurt me in any way when I bumped into him, so why does he look so guilty though? I pondered over this thought till I reach the familiar street of my neighborhood.

When I got home, I called for my parents but all I got was silence. I sighed. Home alone again. I took off my shoes, dropped my bag on the floor and went straight to the living room. I jumped down on the couch and switched on the TV. I flicked through the channels and saw that my favorite TV show was on. I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn when the doorbell rang. I left the popcorn in the microwave and went to answer the door.

No one was there. I walked out to the porch and looked around. Nothing. Well that was weird. I went back inside and locked the door carefully. I peered through the curtains to make sure no one was around. Maybe it was just some kids playing a prank, I thought.

I spent the rest of the evening watching TV and eating popcorn. My parents haven't arrived yet so I decided to start making dinner. I made a simple pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs. I put some in the refrigerator for my parents and took mine to my room.

When I was done, I took a quick shower and tied my hair up in a bun. It was still early so I decided to curl up in bed with a good book.

It was a long day and my eyes started drooping. Soon, I was fast asleep but not before the blue eyed boy crossed my thoughts again.

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