Chapter 12.

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt really giddy, like I was on some kind of drug and the high hasn't worn off yet. I recounted the events of yesterday and I smiled at myself like the lunatic that I am.

Hunter can be such a dork sometimes, I thought dreamily.

I was interuppted from my fangirl moment when my phone vibrated with a new incoming text.

'Good morning beautiful. I hope you had a good night's sleep. Anyway, just wanted to check on you. Have a nice day, x -HunterR'

I texted him back and waited for his reply. Even though what he said wasn't that romantic or cheesy, I found myself smiling at my phone because this is Hunter we're talking about. I don't think he does this on a daily basis, or maybe he does, I wouldn't know.

Seeing that he hasn't texted me back, I went to my bathroom to shower and freshen up. When I was done, I checked my phone again.

No messages.

I was a little disappointed that he didn't text me anymore, but I figured texting wasn't his thing. I left my room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

It was already 11 in the morning and I felt like a lion was residing in my stomach by the way it was making hungry noises. I heated up some leftover dinner from last night and decided to call my parents while I waited.

"Hey pumpkin. How are you doing?" My dad answered.

"I'm fine, Dad. Just wanted to see how you guys are doing. How is Nana feeling?" I asked sadly. The last time I called, Nana's health wasn't improving and I was worried.

"The usual," he sighed. "We've been going on regular check ups and the doctor told us that she just needs to rest and whatnot." I can sense that he wasn't being completely honest but I let it go.

"Okay, Dad. Let me know if you know anything else. I'll call you later. Have a good day. I love you all." I spoke sadly into the phone. "Love you too, honey. Stay safe."

I hung up the phone the moment that the microwave dinged, signaling that my lunch was ready.

I finished my lunch and headed to the living room to watch some TV. Snuggling into the couch, I decided to call Zoe and ask her if she wants to hang out. I've missed our girl time.

"Zoe speaking, how may I be of assistance?" She answered with a fake British accent. I thought I would humor her and play along.

"I was hoping I could make an appointment with my best friend, if she's available."

"And where would this appointment take place?"

"Maybe we could meet up at Carl's Café, say in about an hour? Is that possible?" I bit my lip to keep from laughing. We sounded so businesslike and professional, it's not even funny.

"Sure, I can make that happen. I will see you later, Miss Hart." Zoe ended and hung up the phone.

I laughed silently, I've seriously missed that girl.

An hour later, I was seated at one of the corner booths and scrolling through my Instagram feed when I heard the bell above the door ring, signalling the entry of a customer. I looked up and spotted Zoe, and I waved at her like a crazy person.

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