Chapter 13.

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Two days. It's been two freaking days that Hunter has avoided me like the plague. I tried to approach him yesterday but all I got was the cold shoulder. I don't even know what I did wrong. Okay, maybe I do know but that doesn't mean it's my fault.

He took all sorts of measures to avoid talking to me, he even flirted with Allison when he saw me coming out of the girl's bathroom. Like I would be jealous of that pathetic Barbie!

It's already Thursday today, meaning, our 'date' is supposed to be tomorrow. But seeing as Hunter is still on his man period, it's safe to say that the date is canceled.

Or so I thought.

"Grace, can I talk to you?" I slammed my locker door shut and turned to the source of the voice. "Oh, so now you want to talk to me? Are you running out of places to hide from me?" I spoke a bit harshly.

"About that, I'm so-" I put up my hand to stop him from talking. "Save it. There's no need to apologize." I said calmly.

"That's just it, though. I feel like I need to apologize because of the way I acted. You didn't deserve it and I was a jerk. I'm sorry." He looked down at the floor, but because I'm shorter than him, I could see the emotion in his eyes and it convinced me that he was truly sorry.

"Hunter, you didn't need to apologize beca-" Hunter interrupted me, "Just accept my apology please, because I don't usually say it and actually mean it."

I smiled at him. "Fine, I accept your apology since you practically begged me to." I got a scowl in return which just made my smile bigger. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" he asked as he fell in step with me. "Just follow me."

"Wow, I didn't know our school had this place," he said in amazement as we stood in the middle of the greenhouse. I rolled my eyes and pulled him towards a bench. I used to come here a lot during my junior year. It's so peaceful and quiet here that it eventually became my sanctuary, whenever I needed time to myself. We sat down and I took out my lunch. I shared my lunch, which was just chicken sandwich, with Hunter and we both ate in silence, savoring the taste of the canned chicken.



"Kyle has a thing for you, doesn't he?" He blurted out which almost made me choke on the sandwich.

"Wh-what? No he doesn't."

"It's so obvious." He deadpanned.

"Is it?" He nodded and I noticed his jaw clenching, again. Did I mention he looks hot when he does that?

"I doubt it. We're just friends." I reasoned.

"I don't think he understands the term," he mumbled. "Kyle does not have a thing for me, even if he did, that's too bad because I can only see him as my friend."

"A friend who you went out on a date with," Hunter pointed out. "So? Can't friends go on dates together?"

He sighed, "Look, let's just forget about it." "Why does it even bother you anyway?" I pressed.

"It doesn't."

"So, why have you been avoiding me then?" I raised a brow. He looked at me and I could see something flash in his eyes. Was it vulnerability?

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