Chapter 16.

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Kyle led me to the counter to get our bowling shoes and turned to me, "What's your size?"

"5". He chuckled and muttered, "So tiny."

"Whatever big foot," I stuck my tongue out and this made him laugh.

"Size 5 and 10, please." He said to the guy behind the counter while I stood behind him, my eyes wandering around the bowling alley. I observed couples kissing after making a strike, couples play-fighting when one of them lost and when my eyes finally landed on Blake and Marianne, I noticed the knowing looks that they were giving our way.

I forced a smile at them and turned to Kyle who was holding out the shoes for me. "Thanks," I muttered.

"Do you want anything to eat?" He asked me as I sat down to put on my shoes. I shook my head, "I'll just have a root beer, please." He smiled down at me and went to order.

"You guys look so cute together," Marianne beamed at me as she sat down to put on her shoes. I waved her off, "We're just friends."

She was about to say otherwise but Kyle and Blake came over to us, holding our drinks in their hands. Thank goodness.

"So, boys versus girls?" Blake smirked.

"No, couple versus couple." Marianne grinned mischievously. Didn't I just tell her that Kyle and I are just friends?

"Uh, we're not-" I started but Kyle interuppted me. "Great. We're going to kick your asses."

"Oh, it's on. On like donkey Kong," Blake grinned. "Losers pay for dinner," he added.

"May the best couple win," Marianne sang as we walked to the lanes.

"Again, we're not dating," I muttered under my breath, following behind the others.

I'm not really good at bowling, unless if you consider hitting 2 or 3 pins good, but Kyle wasn't so bad so I decided to cheer him on, making up for my bad bowling skills.

We were down to the last frame and if either Kyle or Blake hits a strike, it's a win.

It was Kyle's turn first, so he grabbed a ball and positioned himself in front of the lane. He turned to me with a flirty smile and winked, "This one's for you."

Blake and Marianne cooed at us while I just blushed and ducked my head down.

"Strike." I heard Kyle shout in joy and jogged over to me. "Do I get a kiss for that?" He smirked.

I pretended to think and answered, "Nope."

He whined and crossed his arms, "Why not?" I shrugged. "Come on, just a peck." He pleaded with those damn puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes and pecked his cheek. He smiled in content and I looked at Blake who was getting reading to bowl. "Come on babe, hit a strike. I want free food," Marianne cheered for her boyfriend and clapped enthusiastically.

Blake swung back his hand slightly and let the ball roll down the lane.


"I can't believe we lost," Marianne sulked as we were munching on some fries. We were currently sitting in a small diner after our match. The diner was packed with people and we managed to get a small booth in the corner.

"It's not your fault that your boyfriend can't bowl." Kyle teased and Marianne threw a half eaten fry at his head, and Kyle threw a piece of onion ring back.

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