Chapter 21.

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"Dad?" I said nervously.

"Yes?" He answered, not taking his eyes off Hunter who was sitting on the loveseat with me, opposite him.

After the stare down that my dad gave Hunter at the front door, we were led inside to the living room. "Where's Mom?" I asked him, trying to dissipate the tension hanging in the room.

"She went out with your grandfather to the grocery store. She should be back any moment now." He turned his head to me and gave me a tight lipped smile.

"Is grandma asleep yet?" I said, trying to make the conversation flow so that my dad would stop shooting daggers at Hunter.

"Yeap." I sighed and rolled my eyes at his clipped answers. He's never this protective of me before. Well, it's mostly because he's never met any of my boyfriends before, not that I had that many. I just didn't introduce them to my family, until now.

Hunter was shuffling in his seat and I even saw him gulp in fear earlier when my dad shot him a glare after he heard that we were dating. I gave his hand a tight squeeze and was about to talk to him when the door swung open, revealing my mom, whose face was hidden by big grocery bags. My granddad soon followed behind, closing the door after him.

After telling Hunter that I'll be right back and ignoring his pleading look, I stood up from my seat and went to the kitchen where they both went. They haven't realized I was here yet.

"Hey Mom, hey Granddad," I beamed at them when I entered the kitchen. They both turned to me and came rushing to my side, giving me hugs and kisses. I felt so loved.

"Oh my sweetheart, you're here. How was the journey?" My mom asked as she held my cheeks in her hands. I looked like a fish and my answer came out muffled.

My mom laughed and released my cheeks, giving me the chance to answer clearly. "The journey was fine, Mom. I slept through it, though."

"You've grown so much since I last saw you, pumpkin. Very beautiful too, just like your Mom," my Granddad said and winked at me playfully. I gave him another hug, leaning my head on his chest, I spoke, "I've missed you too, Dada." I smiled as I recalled the nickname I gave him when I was little. He gave my back a pat before pulling away.

"Come on, I want you guys to meet someone." I pulled the both of them to the living room where Hunter was politely answering Dad's questions.

I was about to introduce them to him when Mom immediately rushed to his side and introduced herself. "You must be the young man that Grace has been going on about. I'm Jennifer Hart, Grace's mother," She gushed as she grabbed his cheeks and pinched him.

"Mom.." I groaned. Can she not embarrass me?

I saw Hunter awkwardly standing with his head bent down because my Mom was still pinching his cheeks, which were tinted with a shade of pink. "Nice to meet you, Mrs Hart." 

"Please call me Jenny. And I'm sure you've met my husband, Nicholas." She said, still grabbing his cheeks.

"Mom," I said slowly and walked towards them, prying off her hands from his face and continued, "This is Hunter, Hunter Raines."

"Her boyfriend," Dad interjected and grumbled under his breath. I rolled my eyes as my dear mother let out a girlish squeal.

Oh great.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you both. How did that happen? Grace, you have to tell me, young lady." She said and turned to me with a pointed look. I rolled my eyes and turned to my grandfather.

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