Chapter 26.

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I stared at the dark blue water that was in front of me then back to the equally blue eyes of Hunter and shook my head. He had taken me to a public pool and since it's dark, it was closed for the day and what we're doing is technically trespassing.

"I can't," I muttered quietly. He took my hands in his and crouched down to meet my eyes. "Stop worrying, we're not going to get caught," he assured me but I shook my head again, releasing my hands from his and ran it down my hair.

"It's not about that. I can't- I can't swim. I don't know how," I mumbled and ducked my head in embarrassment. I expected Hunter to laugh at me or maybe make a joke about it but he seemed to understand, so he just nodded and took off his shirt.

Even in the dark, I could make out every crevice of his toned chest. The boy had a freaking six pack, I swooned internally.

The sound of the water splashing with his body grabbed my attention and I walked closer to the edge of the pool, careful not to slip on the wet floor. I rolled my jeans up to my knees and took off my shoes. Crouching down, I sat on the edge of the pool and dipped my legs in the slightly warm water. I watched Hunter swim around the pool effortlessly and I was almost jealous of him.

I kicked the water with my feet and didn't notice Hunter swimming towards me, resulting in him getting drenched because of me. Oops, he's already wet anyways.

I gave him an apologetic smile as he slowly walked towards me. The water reached his abdomen and his hair was wet, drops of water dripping down his lashes, making them look hooded.

He stood in between my legs and parted them to get closer to me. "Come, I'll teach you how to swim," he said.



I shook my head. "What if I drown?"

"You're not going to. I'll be right beside you."

"I don't know," I said hesitantly.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course," I answered in a heartbeat.

"Then, come on."

I stood up to take off my clothes when I realised something. "I didn't bring any swimsuit."

Hunter stared at me in a thoughtful look and got out of the pool. I can only imagine him coming out in slow motion, water dripping from his body, muscles rippling with every move as he slowly make his way to me. Jeez Grace, this isn't Baywatch.

"Follow me, I have an idea," he said and shot me a smirk, clearly noticing me checking him out. I rolled my eyes and followed him, trying hard to hide my blush. He stopped in front of a door that read 'Supplies' and twisted the doorknob. Surprisingly, the lock clicked and the door opened. We went in and Hunter switched on the light, letting me see what the room held. Hunter walked to a corner and picked up something. He came back and held a bikini in his hands.

I gaped at him in shock. "I'm not wearing that," I pointed to the little piece of clothing. "Why not?" He countered back.

"Because, I don't know," I said and crossed my arms on my chest.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Come on, it's just me, babe. Don't be shy," he sweet talked and I eyed the bikini before hastily snatching it from his hands and went to the bathrooms to go change.

A few minutes later, I stood in front of the full length mirror and took a deep breath. I scanned my appearance again and scrunched my nose. What if Hunter laughs at me? My body is not pretty enough. He's obviously seen better, I thought.

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