Chapter 20.

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"It's Nana..."

As soon as those words escaped my mother's mouth, immediately my brain started going to dark places. I kept quiet for a good minute before I heard Zoe softly calling my name. I snapped out of my daze and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"What's wrong with Nana?" I croaked out, feeling tears welled up in my eyes.

"Honey, she's not getting any better. In fact, we have something we need to tell you. Do you think you could come down here to visit? I know that you're busy with school and everything but she really wants to see you."

"Of course, Mom. Don't worry about it. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Will you be okay coming here alone?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I promise."

"Okay. See you soon, honey. Be careful." My mom's voice was thick with emotion. After she hung up, I stared down at my lap, playing with my fingers. I was busy thinking about the travel arrangements when Zoe gently shook my shoulder.

Startled, I looked up at her worried face and instantly she wrapped her arms around me. She knew how much I love my grandma. Having lost hers a few years back, I knew she was the only one who would understand what it feels like.

My heart constricted at the thought of losing my Nana but I shook my head, clearing it from any negative thoughts. Just as Zoe pulled away from me, my phone rang.

"It's late. I'm coming to pick you up." Hunter's voice rang through the static. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at his greeting.

On hearing his voice, I suddenly had the urge to cry. Trying to keep my voice leveled so as not to worry him, I spoke softly, "Okay."

"Grace, are you okay?" His voice was laced with worry. I nodded, not realizing he couldn't actually see me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked urgently. Zoe grabbed the phone from my hand and talked to Hunter. After ending the call, she sighed and laid her hand on my shoulder.

"He'll be here in five minutes."

I nodded and stared outside the window, longing to see Hunter's car.

True to his words, five minutes later, I saw the familiar car rounding the street outside the yoghurt place. I watched as Hunter got out quickly, a worried look on his face. When he came in, he immediately spotted me and came over, embracing me in his arms. I breathed in his scent, finding comfort in his familiar smell. He pulled apart and held me at arm's length, his eyes searching my entire face. I gave him a sad smile and he audibly sighed, a look of relief passing his features.

"What's wrong?" He asked me calmly. I looked down at my shoes and sighed. "Can we get out of here first?" I asked hopefully. He nodded and led me outside, with Zoe silently trailing behind.

"We're going to drop Zoe off first, then you'll talk. Okay?" He said once we've entered his car. I nodded and stared outside the window, watching as the last rays of sunlight get engulfed by the night.

"Zoe, your address?" I heard Hunter's voice and I looked back at him, only to see his jaw muscles twitching. I heard Zoe answer while I turned on the radio. A soft tune filled the confines of the car, making me feel more down. Hunter noticed this because he immediately switched the radio off. The rest of the ride was silent until we pulled up to Zoe's driveway.

She got out after giving my shoulder a tight squeeze, telling me that everything will work out fine. I gave her a small smile and nodded my head. "Call me if you need me," she said as she waved goodbye to Hunter.

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