Chapter 15.

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"We kissed." I squealed into the phone when Zoe picked up. "I knew it. I'm happy dancing right now," she said excitedly.

"Me too," the excitement is pouring through me. I lay back down on my bed with a dreamy sigh. "You have to tell me each and every detail tomorrow. Even the disgusting kissy ones," Zoe said after.

I giggled lightly, "Yeah, of course. I'll scar you, don't doubt it."

"Yeah I'm sure you will." I can picture her rolling her eyes when she said that. "Movies tomorrow at my place?" I asked.

"Sounds great. Can't wait. See you tomorrow. Goodnight, love you." She said in one breath. "Yeah, love you too." I laughed and shook my head.

I stared at my ceiling and recalled the events of today's date. It was definitely, by far, the best date I've ever been on. I thought back to the fun and laughter we shared and I realized that I'm smiling. My mind wandered to the kiss, the moment leading up to it and everything in between, causing my insides to turn to jelly.

After the date, Hunter drove me home and walked me to my front door. I asked him to come in for awhile but he shook his head no, saying that he needs to go home to check on his mom. I cooed at his thoughtfulness and he kissed me in return. It was just a small peck but it didn't stop the freaking zoo in my stomach from erupting. We said our goodnights and he kissed my forehead before he left. I watched him leave in a daze.

Oh Hunter Raines, what are you doing to me?

I woke up when I heard the annoying vibration from under my pillow. I took out my phone and answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Well, good morning to you too sweetheart." I heard my Mom chuckle from the other line.

I sat up and rubbed my tired eyes. "Mom," I groan, "why are you calling so early?"

"It's 11:30, how is that early? Wait, were you up late last night? What were you doing, young lady?" My mom asked, not giving me time to answer.

"Jeez, one question at a time, woman." I teased and sighed dramatically, "If you must know-" "Yes, I must." She interrupted.

I rolled my eyes and smile, "I didn't stay up too late last night, but..." I trailed off, feeling a blush gracing my cheeks at the memory of the date. "But what?" My mom asked, her voice thick with suspicion.

"Iwentoutonadate." I said in one breath.

"What? Talk more slowly." She scolded.

I huffed. "I, uhm, went out on a date." My mom went silent. "Mom, are you still there?"

"Y-yes, honey. I just can't believe you went out on a date. I'm so happy for you," she gushed. Great, now she sounds like Zoe, I thought. "Is he cute?"

I groaned and Mom laughed at my obvious discomfort. "I'll tell you all about it when you come back."

"You better. Your father will want to talk to him if he's thinking of dating our sweet daughter." My cheeks became more red, if that's even possible.

"Mom, we're not even officially together-together." I said quietly.

"Okay, but you're telling me."

"Fine. How's everyone there?" I asked changing the subject. "Good, although your grandma is still hanging in there. She's a tough old bird," she laughed almost sadly.

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