Chapter 19.

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Honk honk.

I quickly grabbed my phone from my dressing table, tossed it in my bag and sprinted down the stairs. I locked the front door and when I turned around, Hunter was walking towards me with a smirk. I won't deny the fact that his smirk does things to me.

Not even sparing me a greeting, he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I immediately responded by wrapping my hands around his neck and kissed him back with the same intensity.

Knowing that we will be late for school if we don't stop, I hesitantly pull away from Hunter, both of us panting for air. I heard him let out a low growl. "Can we just skip school for the day and continue where we left off?"

I chuckled, still wrapped around his arms. I looked up at him to see him giving me a puppy dog look. I shook my head, "Nope. Now, come on. We're gonna be late."

I pulled him towards his car but he would barely budge. I huffed and let go of his arm, putting both my hands on my hips. "Hunter Raines, quit sulking and get your ass in this car right now," I said while giving him a pointed look. He just stared at me with a look of amusement and something else I couldn't quite decipher.

He made his way to where I was standing  beside his car. When he reached my side, he leant down and whispered in my ears, "You look so hot when you're mad." My face was flushed and I cursed under my breath as he opened the door for me. I got in and watched him strut to his side, as if he didn't just make my insides turn to goo a few moments ago.

A couple minutes later, we pulled up to the school's parking lot and Hunter quickly got out, making his way to my side to open the door for me. I gave him a small smile and turned to walk towards the entrance of the school. Hunter grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers, giving me a lopsided smile and a wink. Immediately, an echo of murmurs were heard around the parking lot at the sight of Hunter and I holding hands.

I tensed under their scrutinizing gazes and ducked my head. I felt Hunter squeeze my hand lightly and I looked up at him. He gave me an encouraging smile and wrapped his hand around my small shoulders. I ignored the glares and disapproving looks thrown at me by some of the girls and let Hunter guide me to the building.

When we entered, it seemed like all heads snapped to our direction and a few students started whispering to each other. What is wrong with these people? Can't a girl walk with her boyfriend without being judged and glared upon? Jeez, I thought angrily. And it's not like we were the most popular people in school. Atleast, I wasn't. Hunter was quite popular, especially with the female population, mainly because of his bad boy aura.

I noticed Hunter giving the curious students pointed glares and they immediately turned away. I sighed inwardly. This is going to be a long day.

Hunter walked me to my locker and I stopped in front of it. Grabbing the things I needed for my classes, I closed the locker shut and turned back to him. He ducked his head down and gave me a quick peck.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class," he said while grabbing the books from my hands. "You don't have to. Besides, don't you have class too?" I asked him as we walked down the hallway to my first class.

"Aren't we already walking?" He rolled his eyes and shrugged, "And, I have art now so it's fine."

"You know, I never see you around school that much." I asked curiously. "I don't attend it regularly," came his short answer.

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