Chapter 14.

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Grace's date outfit in the media box


"Look at you, you're practically glowing" Zoe said, clearly amused by my dazed expression. I turned to her and stuck my tongue out. We were currently sitting on the bleachers, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Zoe already knew about my date tonight with Hunter and she had already insisted she come over to help me get ready. Knowing that there's no way I could say no to her, without her putting up a fight, I complied.

"I'm nervous about tonight, Zo. Hunter is so different from Kyle and.." I trailed off, fidgeting with the sleeves of my shirt. Zoe gave me a look that urged me to continue. "Well, I'm afraid I won't know how to act around him. With Kyle, it was easy because it didn't really count as a date and- ugh!"

"It's okay to be nervous on your first date, Gray. Especially with a guy like Hunter," I gave her a flat look. "Not helping."

She put up both her hands in a surrendering gesture and said, "Sorry, I'm just saying that Hunter is the complete opposite of Kyle and that may be a good thing, considering that you don't like Kyle in that way."

I turned away from her to stare at the football field in front of me. "Yeah, I hope so," I mumbled quietly.

I didn't see Hunter at school today, which wasn't a surprise seeing as he barely attends it. Kyle was being awkwardly quiet when I sat next to him in class and I didn't dare ask him the reason, mainly because he was avoiding eye contact with me. Weird, I know.

I went home with Zoe so that she could help me get ready for tonight. When we got home, she immediately plopped down on my bed. I was putting away some strewn clothes when my phone rang.


"Hi. Are you home yet?" Hunter's voice flooded through the static.

"Just got home actually," I responded.

"Oh. So is it cool if I pick you up in about two hours?" Hunter actually sounded nervous and I suppressed a giggle.

"Yeah sure. Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise." I could sense him smirking over the phone.

I rolled my eyes and spoke, "You and that cliché line."

"Nothing about me is cliché, sweetheart."

My heart thudded at the term of endearment he used and I cleared my throat, "Uhm, what should I wear then?"

"Anything you want. I'll see you later." Then he hung up.

I didn't realize I was blushing until Zoe pointed it out. Is it sad that I forgot that she was still here?

"Shut up. I'll go take a shower. He's picking me up in two hours."

An hour later, I was sitting in front of my vanity with Zoe hovering over me, pulling and tugging at my hair. I decided to straighten my hair, actually Zoe did, seeing as my natural hair is wavy. After she was done torturing my head, she started on my make up.

When she was done, I got up to examine my final appearance in the full length mirror. I had to admit, that girl has some serious skills when it comes to makeup. She gave me a smoky eye look and applied nude lipstick on my lips.

I turned to her and gave her a hug. "Thanks Zo."

"You're welcome. I bet Hunter is going to flip when he sees you,", she teased.

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