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"Mom, I'm going to be late, just tell Nana and Dada I said hi," I said into the phone as I balanced it in between my shoulder and ear while searching for my folder containing my reports.

"Sure honey. Call us later," she chirped and I hung up the phone with an eye roll. Sometimes my mother tends to suffocate me.

I was currently in my second year of college, majoring in Journalism. Hunter, Zoe and Kyle all attended the same college as me and it was amazing. I had my two best friends and my boyfriend to share the college life with, what more could I ask for.

Speaking of them, Hunter decided to use his brother's death as a motivation to pursue law. He wanted to serve justice where it's due and he felt like he could at least try to right some of the wrong decisions that he had made in the past. Zoe is an art major and Kyle got in with his football scholarship so he's minoring in business studies.

I groaned in frustration as I had turned my room upside down searching for the damn report. I rubbed my throbbing temples and sighed heavily. A deep chuckle made me turn around to see Hunter holding a folder in his hand. My folder!

"Looking for this?" He waved the folder in front of me. I jumped in joy and went to retreat it from him but he lifted it up over his head and out of my reach. I growled at him as I jumped to get the folder but to no avail. Curse him and his stupid height.

"Hunter, I'm late. Can you just give it to me?" I asked, exasperated.

He smirked at me before puckering up his lips and pointed to it. "I'll trade it for a kiss."

"Fine," I said, annoyed but I couldn't help the small smile tugging on my lips. I stood up on my tip toes and pecked his pouting lips. I was about to pull away when his strong arm wrapped itself around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He deepened the kiss and I got lost in his taste. I pulled away hesitantly and gave him one last peck.

He groaned in protest and made attempts to grab me again but I slipped past him, snatching my folder as I did so.

"I'll go drop you off," he said as he went and grabbed the keys off the counter.

Yes, I was living in an apartment with Hunter which was only a ten minute walk to the campus. We decided that it would cost us less if we stayed together and split the rent. Hunter got a part time job as a barista at the local Starbucks while I got a job as a 'book-stacker' at the college library. Our jobs got us enough money to buy food and pay for rent.

"It's just a 10 minute walk Hunter. You don't have to," I said as I climbed down the steps leading outside with Hunter trailing behind. "Besides, don't you have classes?"

"Mine start till noon so I asked for a morning shift at the café and I want to drop my beautiful girlfriend off to class before I slave over coffee orders," he said cheekily and intertwined our hands together. I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration but nonetheless smiled to myself as we walked to the campus.

Hunter was talking animatedly about how he beat Kyle at foosball the other day and how he teased Kyle about being a football player but still managing to lose at a simple foosball match. "He was sulking like the big baby that he was and Zoe had to buy him ice cream. I swear, he was such a sore loser. I bet he just did that in front of Zoe so that he could get laid," he said and I chuckled at his assumptions.

It was funny to think that Hunter used to hate Kyle's guts and vice versa but when he found out that he was dating my best friend Zoe, his hatred for him started dissipating till all was left was the remnants of a stupid high school tryst and a budding bromance. They started hanging out more whenever Zoe and I would be too busy or whenever we would have a girl's night.

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