Chapter 33.

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"What the hell Hunter? Is this a joke?" I hissed through the phone.

"It's not. I have to hang up now. Can you please come?" He pleaded once more. I sighed and rubbed my temples. "Fine."

I hung up before he could say anything else. I yanked the covers off of me and glanced at my alarm clock. It was 1 in the morning. Great. I didn't want to call Zoe because I know she's already asleep and she gets really cranky if someone messes with her sleeping time, so, I decided to call Kyle instead.

After the fourth ring, he picked up. "Hello?" He answered groggily.

"Kyle, I need your help," I said, trying to keep the nervousness at bay.

I heard some shuffling before his voice cleared up a bit. "Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Not really. I'll explain later. Can you come pick me up from my house?"

"Yeah. I'll be there shortly."

"Okay, thanks."

As I waited for Kyle to come pick me up, I went to the bathroom to freshen myself up and make myself more presentable. I didn't want to look like the mess I was feeling in front of Hunter. I don't want to give him that satisfaction of knowing he hurt me deeply.

An incoming text from Kyle let me know that he was outside so I grabbed my purse and house keys and tip toed down the stairs. I didn't want to wake up my parents and have them question me, so when I softly closed the front door behind me, I let out a breath of relief and quickly jogged over to Kyle's car. I got in and buckled up.

"Where to?" Kyle asked me as he started the engine.

"Police station," I muttered. Kyle turned to me so fast, I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. "What?"

"Long story. I'll explain on the way," I motioned for him to start driving.

After a minute of tensed silence, I spoke up, "Hunter called me." - I stared at the almost vacant street ahead - "He said that he was sorry and asked me to come get him from the police station."

"And?" Kyle asked.

"And that's it. He didn't explain why because he was calling from the police telephone line and -" I let out a groan and continued,- "I don't know. I'm so stupid. I know that I shouldn't care about him anymore but I can't help it. He sounded so desperate," I whispered.

Kyle stopped at a red light and turned to me. "Grace, look at me." I didn't. "Look at me, please," he said more sternly. I sighed and looked up at his face.

"This doesn't make you stupid or weak, okay. In fact, what you're doing is the opposite of that. Most people would've ignored him and let him suffer the consequences of his own actions, but not you, Gray. You have a big heart and you're not afraid to do the right thing. That's what makes you so brave. It was Hunter's loss that he couldn't treasure what he had. You lost him, right. So what? He's the idiot who lost something more precious. He lost you. So, keep your head high and you'll get through this. Trust me," he said determinedly and started the car again.

I contemplated his words and realised that everything he said is true. Hunter lost way more than I did. He lost someone who loved him, no, who still does, despite him not knowing that but whatever. He lost someone who cared about him, who was loyal to him and who would do anything just to make him happy. And what did I lose? A guy who didn't appreciate me, who didn't even care about me enough to be honest from the start, and, who didn't even love me.

I turned to Kyle with a sad smile and thanked him. "You sound just like Zoe, you know." At the mention of his girlfriend's name, a faint blush crept onto his cheeks. I reached over and pinched them. He slapped my hands always and chuckled.

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