Chapter 31.

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I didn't know how long I cried but soon my hysterical sobs subsided to hiccups. I let Kyle pick me back up from my position on the grass and I wiped the remaining tears from my face. He led me to a bench and pulled me to sit down beside him. I complied and sat down, eyes trained on my fidgeting fingers.

"What happened, Grace?"

"Nothing," I lied.

He let out a sigh, obviously not believing me. "Something happened otherwise you wouldn't have sprinted here with tears streaming down your face. If that's your idea of an exercise, I suggest you lose the tears," he joked in hopes of making me feel better, I suppose.

I was too upset to laugh, however. Kyle grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look at his face. Before he could say anything, his phone rang.


"Yes, she's with me." Pause.

"She's fine. We're at the park." He glanced at me and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was busy comforting her" - pause - "Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

He slid his cellphone back into his jacket pocket after he hung up. "That was Zoe. She told me to take you to her house. She's on her way there," - he pulled me up and continued, - "come on, my car is at the diner. Let's go." I let him pull me up and silently walked in step with him.

My mind was filled with images of Hunter and that girl holding hands. Not to mention that they looked deep in conversation.

That's supposed to be me, I thought sadly and blinked back the tears. We soon reached the diner's parking lot and I got inside Kyle's car without a word. I had this urge to go back into the diner, to see if they were still there so that I could confront him but I thought otherwise. My poor heart was already fragile and I didn't want to face him again, ever.

"What did he do to you?" Kyle asked, breaking the silent in the car.

"He was there with a girl," I shrugged, trying hard not to let the hurt and disappointment seep into my voice.


"They were holding hands," I mumbled quietly, my voice slightly wavering from the emotions I was feeling.

He let out a low whistle before speaking, "He's an idiot, you know that right?"

"I'm the bigger idiot for trusting him with my heart," I muttered.

"Don't blame yourself, Grace."

"How come you were the one who came after me?" I was kinda hoping that it would be Hunter but then again, I didn't even want to see him at that moment. I am such an emotional mess.

"I was just getting out from my car when I saw you rushing out of the diner with tears down your face. So I ran after you to make sure you were okay," he glanced at me for a second before concentrating back on the road ahead.

I didn't know what else to say so I just said, "Thanks."

Before he could say more, the familiar two storeyed house of my best friend came into view. As soon as Kyle parked his car in the driveway, Zoe emerged from the front door with a worried look on her face.

She walked up to me and engulfed me in a tight hug. The gesture alone made me feel choked up and I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Let's go inside," she pulled me towards the door with her arms still around my shoulders. She stopped and turned around, calling out to Kyle, "Thanks for bringing her here, I'll call you later."

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