Chapter 32.

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"Good morning, sleepyhead," Zoe's voice sounded distant in my groggy state. I groaned and cracked my eyes open. My eyes widened instantly when I saw that she was leaning so close to my face with a huge goofy grin on hers.

I pushed her face away and sat up. "What time is it?" I asked as I attempted to tame my messy hair. "It's eleven. Now get up, I made breakfast," she answered and pulled me up.

"Come downstairs when you're ready," she called as she left her room to let me freshen up.

I sighed and padded to the conjoined bathroom. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I made a face at myself. I looked like a mess. The minimum makeup that I applied last night was smudged, my nose looked like Rudolph the reindeer's and my eyes were puffy and bloodshot.

Ah, the aftermath of a broken heart.

I cleaned my face, splashing it with cold water in an attempt to gain some life and colour back into my skin. After I was done, I picked a grey sweatpant and an off the shoulder loose top from Zoe's closet as I stripped off my own clothes from yesterday.

When I went downstairs, the aroma of freshly baked muffins and bacon was lingering in the air, making my mouth water. I found Zoe sitting on one of the bar stools, scrolling through her Instagram feed. When she saw me, she got up and gave me a tight hug.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she poured a glass of milk for me.

"Better," I lied. "Did you make all this for me?" I asked in hopes to change the subject.

"Yeah, of course. The best remedy for heartbreak is good food and a girls' day out, which is why, we're going to go have fun today," she said with an excited face.

I groaned in protest while I ate the porky goodness that is bacon. Bacon is heaven, I thought in appreciation as I savored its taste. "I don't want to go anywhere," I whined but Zoe shook her head in disagreement.

"We're going and that's final. I won't let you mope around for the rest of the day."

"Fine," I complied, knowing well not to mess with a stern Zoe. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"The carnival. Now, hurry up. We have to get going."

I downed the rest of my milk in one gulp and followed Zoe to her room.

I plopped down on her bed and watched her as she carelessly rummaged through her wardrobe. After what felt like a few minutes, she walked out with two outfits in her hands. She gave me one and I examined it. It was a cute pink Zara top and studded denim shorts. I smiled in approval and went to the bathroom to go change.

I came out as Zoe was tying her hair in a high ponytail. She was wearing a striped black and white tank top with high waisted black shorts. She gave me her pink Vans and she slipped on her all black Nike sneakers.

Zoe wanted us to look cute because in her opinion, looking confident and good will make you feel confident and good about yourself; another one of her heartbreak remedies, I presume.

I styled my hair in a side fishtail braid and applied minimum makeup.

After we were satisfied with our look, we went outside and got into Zoe's car. I texted my parents to let them know where I was going and turned off my cellphone.

I hadn't listened to Hunter's voicemails yet but I'm pretty sure they were all the same hollow apologies. I shook my head to clear my mind of Hunter and turned up the music. The carnival wasn't that far, twenty minutes tops from Zoe's house.

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