Chapter 28.

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"Boo," came a voice from behind me as I stuffed my books into my locker, ready for lunch break. I jumped and turned around to glare at the person who almost gave me a heart attack. Slight exaggeration, but whatever.

My death glare turned into a confused frown when I saw Hunter with a goofy grin on his face. "Got ya," he smirked while I just stood in front of him, still confused as ever.

"You're here," I mumbled more to myself than him. "Yeah, about that,"- he scratched the back of his neck, then-"I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you. It's just that I've been really busy-" "-with work, right," I interjected and turned to close my locker. I brushed past him and made my way to the cafeteria. He fell in step with me and tugged on my elbow. I ignored him and continued walking.

"Grace, are you mad at me?" At this, I stopped and turned to face him with what I hope to be a sarcastic smile. "Me? Mad at you? No,"-I threw my hands around in a dismissive motion and continued, -" why would I be mad at you? I mean, sure you've been ignoring me for a few weeks but you were so busy with work, so I completely understand that you can't even take a minute off to text your girlfriend," sacrcasm clearly evident on my tone.

"Grace, I-," "Save it," I interrupted whatever it is that he wanted to say by raising my hand and rolling my eyes. "I'm hungry. I'll talk to you later." I turned on my heels and made a beeline for the cafeteria, not giving Hunter any more chance to speak.

"Wow, don't you look extra happy today," Zoe remarked as I sat down on our usual table, placing my tray of food down on the table with a little more force than necessary. "Don't even start," I muttered sourly.

"Why are you- oh, lover boy's here. Now I know why you're so touchy-touchy," she teased and I looked up at her to see her looking at something behind me, probably at Hunter.

"Grace, please. Talk to me," he said as he made himself comfortable on the seat next to me. I ignored him and continued sipping on my apple juice. Zoe, however, took this as a sign to jump to my rescue. "Doesn't feel so nice when you're the one being ignored, huh?"-she sneered and continued, -"why don't you just leave her alone right now. It's obvious she doesn't want to talk to you," she spat.

Hunter shuffled in his seat, clearly affected by Zoe's words and turned to me. "Grace?" He sounded pleading and I almost caved in but I bit my lip to stop myself from saying anything. "Okay, I'm sorry," he said and got up, leaving the cafeteria and I suddenly felt cold from the lack of body heat that he gave off when he sat so close to me.

I sighed and closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"I did the right thing, right?" I asked Zoe.

"Damn right you did. He deserved it, honestly," she said in a determined voice. I ran a hand down my face and laid my head on the table, hoping that the forming headache will go away.


"Hunter, what is going on?" I asked him in horror as I stared at the limp body resting at his feet. He seemed startled at the sound of my voice and turned around, dropping the weapon from his bloody hands. I took a step back as he slowly made his way towards me, conflict swimming in his eyes.

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