Chapter 35.

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It's been a week since my last encounter with Hunter and I couldn't stop thinking about him. When I saw him at school the other day, he looked at me with a pained expression and turned away without a word.

He stopped texting and leaving me voicemails too. I could lie and say that I didn't miss him but the truth was, I did.

I miss him every damn day.

That night at the police station when he begged me for a chance, I almost gave in. It was so tempting to just forgive him and kiss him to make everything better. But that's not how it's supposed to be. That's not how I'm supposed to be either. I couldn't help it though. He made me weak.

He's my weakness, I realised.

As I sat on my bed, listening to some calm indie songs, I began to think.

Does he miss me as much as I miss him? Probably not.

Does he still care about me? Maybe he never did.

Do I plague his mind and thoughts as much as he plagues mine? I doubt it.

As these thoughts and questions ran through my mind like a broken record, I realised that maybe our relationship wasn't meant to work out. Not for forever. Maybe we're just one of those 'date-for-a-couple-months-and-breakup' kind of couples. Yeah, most probably.

I groaned loudly and buried my head in my pillow. I have to stop thinking about Hunter. I need to stop thinking about him.

Needing a distraction, I decided to call Zoe and ask her if we could hangout later.

"I'm sorry, Gray. I have a date with Kyle," she said when I asked her. I pouted to myself and said, "Fine. I'll just hangout by myself then. Have fun with your boyfriend."

"Are you sure? I can just cancel the date if you want to hangout," she said but I shook my head. Realising that she couldn't actually see me, I spoke instead, "Don't be crazy. I'll be fine. Say hi to Kyle for me."

"Sure. Call me if you need anything."

"Yeah. Take care," I said before I hung up.

I let out a sigh and took out my laptop. I decided to watch Friends because, let's all agree that that show never gets old. I guess it's just going to be me, Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe tonight, I thought as I padded down the stairs to get some snacks.

"Hey honey, we're going out soon. There's dinner in the fridge if you're hungry," Mom said as she walked in the kitchen, fully dressed in her best attires.

I gave her a smile. "Sure. You look beautiful, by the way. Date with dad?" I asked as I grabbed some chips and salsa.

"Thanks and yes. Sorta. Do you think this dress is too over the top?" She asked as she gestured to her floor length navy blue sequined dress. I shook my head and gave her a thumbs up just as Dad walked in.

"Wow, look at my beautiful wife," he said as he took her hand and twirled her around. I watched them with a smile as I saw the love on their faces that was as clear as day. Dad came over and gave me a kiss on the cheeks and ruffled my hair. "Take care, kiddo. We'll be back before eleven," he said as he held out his arm for Mom.

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