Chapter 25.

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The blaring music coming from my alarm clock disturbed me from my dreamless sleep. I cracked open one of my eyes and shut the alarm off. I was slowly drifting back to sleep when I felt something stir beside me. An arm was heavily draped over my stomach and a low groan was heard. I turned my head and saw Hunter still sleeping.

I placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose and he crinkled it before turning his head to the other side. I chuckled quietly and turned my body to his side. I stared at him, carefully surveying his sleeping face. Even though I'm still mad at him, seeing him look so innocent and at peace made my heart soften up.

I wriggled my body closer to his and he instantly opened his eyes. "Are you trying to kill me?" His voice, which was thick with sleep drove my hormones crazy. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion and he looked down at the space, or lack thereof, between my stomach and his 'lower region.' I let out a gasp when I realised what he was referring to and quickly got out from the bed. I covered my mouth with my hand and widened my eyes. "You need to make it disappear," I said as I pointed a finger at him.

He sat up straight, with his back on the headboard. His hair was a sexy mess and he wore a smirk that could make any girl turn into a hot mess. I tried not to drool over his naked torso and focused my sight on his face, which was not so bad to look at.

"Make what disappear?" He asked in a teasing tone.

"That," I pointed to the part of his body which was covered by the duvet.

"Okay." He took off the duvet and crossed his hands over his head, the smirk growing more prominent on his face.

"What are you doing?"

"I made the duvet disappear, just like you asked," he answered innocently.

"I didn't mean– ugh never mind," I huffed and stormed to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me and ignoring Hunter's teasing laugh. I stood in front of the mirror and rested my palms on the cold basin. I felt hot all over and the crimson red blush that graced my cheeks made me cuss at myself.

The effect he has on me is annoying.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water before going back to my room. When I got out, Hunter was in the same position but his eyes were closed and his breathing was heavy.

I tiptoed to his side and leaned my mouth closer to his ear. I sucked in a breath and shouted in his ears, "Wakey, wakey."

He opened his eyes and his face held a mixture of panic and annoyance. He covered his ear that was affected by my shouting with his hand and mumbled profanities under his breath. His lips turned into a snarl when he saw the satisfied look on my face.

In one swift movement, I was grabbed by my waist and pinned down on the bed. Hunter hovered over me and I gulped when I noticed the mischievous look in his eyes. "That wasn't a very nice thing to do, babe," he mocked me and leaned his face dangerously close to mine. I can feel his hot breath fanning my face and was surprised that he didn't have morning breath.

Thank goodness I brushed my teeth, I thought as I stared at his hooded eyes. I can feel something hard poking my thighs but I ignored it. I wanted to push him off me or tell him to get off but his close proximity made me unable to think clearly, let alone form coherent words.

"You shouldn't start something that you can't finish," he whispered huskily and nibbled on my earlobe. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to prevent a moan from escaping my lips. I didn't want him to know the effect he has on me.

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