IMAGINE: Falling in love with Luke after he saves you

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| IMAGINE for @wolfluva212 |

You exit out the back of the grocery store that you work at to throw away the trash. Before the door closes behind you, you scan the darkness of night for anyone outside. You look at the dumpster 300 hundred feet from you, and swallow. Every night that you work, you're the one responsible for emptying the garbages and throwing away the trash in the dumpster. You hate being out there alone. You take a deep breath and then dash for the huge metal dumpster. The bulging trash bags bang against your sides as you quickly run through the snow covered pathway. You pop the lid to the dumpster, shivering partially from the coldness and partially from fear. As you're about to put a bag into, you hear footsteps crunching in the snow. Fear drops into the pit of your stomach and you slowly turn around. A man, his face covered by the shadows, stands in front of you, staring at you. Panic fills your heart. He dares to come closer to you and that's when you swing both of your garbage bags at him. They hit him in the face and stomach, momentarily distracting him, and then you take off running back towards the store. Once he starts chasing you, you start screaming. "Help me!". The man jumps for you and tackles you to the snow. "Somebody help me! Please!" You scream, scratching at his face. You claw at his neck, trying to get him off of you as he reaches his hands around your neck. Your eyes water as he grasps your neck. A long moment goes by of him choking you before you hear a voice say, "You know, it's not nice to assault women." Suddenly you hear a solid thump, and the man's eyes roll into the back of his head. He slides off of you and falls to the ground, the blood from his head making the white snow turn a scarlet color. You gasp, breathing heavily, your hand on your throat. Your rescuer stands there, a wooden plank in his hands. He then throws the wood plank to the side and rushes over to you. "Oh my gosh, are you all right?" He asks worriedly. You nod, quite shaken up. You stare up at his handsome, kind face. "Y-yes, I think so." You whisper. "My name is Luke. Luke Evans." Your rescuer informs, helping you stand up. "I'm Y/N." You reply. You cross your arms in front of you, freezing. Luke notices immediately and strips himself of his jacket. He places it around your shoulders, and then you both stare at the man who attacked you. "How did you hear me?" You ask Luke softly. "I just pulled into the parking lot of the store and as soon as I got out of the car, I heard your cries for help. I followed your voice and then found him here strangling you." He answers. You shudder, rubbing your arms. "I'm going to call the police so then we can get you warmed up inside." Luke explains. You nod, your mind going over everything that has occurred.

After the police come and arrest your assaulter, you're sitting in a coffee shop with Luke. You stare at him from across the table as he sips his coffee. He's so handsome and you find yourself quickly falling for him. "Luke, thank you so much for saving me." You say, your eyes suddenly stinging with tears. He looks at you, smiling, as he sets his coffee cup down. "Of course, Y/N. I couldn't have just let him attack you." He says. You reach across the table and pick up his hand, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks. "You saved my life. I'm alive right now because of you." You whisper. "Oh, Y/N." Luke breathes, standing. He crosses the short distance between him and you, and then pulls you into his arms. You silently cry against him, your gratitude overflowing. You squeeze your eyes shut, getting lost in his embrace.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N." Luke says as you both stand outside. "Yeah, I'll text you when the court date is." You reply. Luke smiles and hugs you again. "Goodnight, Y/N." He says. "Goodnight, Luke." You whisper. He kisses your head, making a shiver run down the length of your spine, and then pulls away. "We'll talk tomorrow." He states, walking to his car. As he gets into his car, you wave goodbye to him. "I love you, Luke Evans." You whisper, when he pulls out of the parking lot. You start walking to your car. "I love you so much." You breathe.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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