IMAGINE: Owen telling you of his feelings for you

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     You sit on a chair, your legs kicked up on your desk as you talk with Letty. "Owen's been really grumpy lately." She murmurs.

     "Right? It's so weird. In all the months that I've worked for him, I've never seen him this agitated." You tell her.

     "It beats me how you could've stayed on with him this long."

     You shrug. "I like Owen. He treats me good." You say, looking away so Letty doesn't see your blush. Your feelings for Owen go way beyond just liking him. You think you love him. You know Owen doesn't love you though. You see how he is with all of his crew members. He acts like he cares about them, but he really sees them as expandable pawns, and not as friends, brothers in arms, or even as family. You know he sees you as a pawn and it stings.

     "He treats everyone good until he has no more use for them." Letty says, rolling her eyes. You sigh, shifting in your chair uncomfortably. You don't like Letty talking about Owen like that, no matter how true it may be.

      Someone clears their throat and you look towards the door. Your heart leaps. Owen. You bring your legs off the desk and sit up straight.

     "Owen." You smile. Letty's eyes widen and she ducks her head.

     "Hey, Letty, can I talk with YN for a minute?" He asks.

     "Uh, sure." She replies nervously. She gets up and leaves the room without meeting Owen's eyes.

    You fold your hands and look at Owen. "What can I help you with, Owen?" You ask. He claims the seat Letty just left. He doesn't answer you for a long moment. You stare at him as he plays with a pen. "Is...everything okay?" You ask, starting to worry.

     He looks up at you. "Hmm? What? Oh, yes, yes, yes, everything is fine." He murmurs distractedly.

     "Are you sure?" You laugh nervously.

     Owen nods. He tosses the pen onto the desk and turns the chair to face you. He leans forward, his elbows on his legs. "Y/N, what do you think about me?"

     "What?" You laugh in confusion.

     "What do you think about me? And answer me honestly. I want to know your opinion."

     Your eyebrows raise and your heart starts to pound faster. "Um, well, I think you're a good guy."

     "If you had to change anything about me, what would you change?" He asks curiously.

     "Well, uh, maybe how you treat your crew. Owen, these people work for you, but they are something more. They're friends. Some are even family. But you cast them out sometimes. It hurts them. They don't say it, but it does. I know it does."

     Owen nods. "Thank you." He whispers.

     "What is this about?" You ask.

     "I just wanted to know what you think about me, that's all." He replies, staring at you. You stare back. He moves his chair closer to yours. "Do-do you want to know what I think about you?" He asks in a whisper.

     You swallow and nod slowly. "Sure." You breathe. There's an eagerness in Owen's eyes that you've never seen before. It sets your heart racing.

    "Usually I don't let my feelings get in the way of how I feel about my crew. They're just people I use to get what I want done. That's all they've ever been to me. But with you...with you it's different. You're not a pawn to me, Y/N. You're much more. So much more." Owen whispers. He gets off his chair and kneels in front of yours. He grabs your hands. "Y/N, I love you." He whispers. Your breath leaves you in a rush. "I know it's unexpected, Y/N. Believe me, I do. This-this has never happened before. For the past few weeks, you've been the only thing in my thoughts. I didn't even know how to tell you and it was driving me crazy." He explains.

     Realization dawns on you. " is that why you've been so grumpy lately?" You ask. Owen nods sheepishly. "Oh, Owen." You breathe, smiling. You let out a laugh and squeeze his hands. "I love you." You say, getting off the chair and kneeling as well. Owen grins and pulls you into his arms. You sigh and sink against him. "This feels like a dream." You whisper as he buries his face in your hair.

     "No, this is better than a dream." He replies. You smile and hug him tighter.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!|

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