IMAGINE: Bard's children asking him when he's going to marry you

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| IMAGINE for @dunja_amany |

     You're at Bard's house, helping Sigrid and Tilda with dinner. "Tilda, would you mind setting the table? Your da will be home soon and then we can all eat." You say, smiling at her.

     "Sure." She replies, grabbing a stack of plates and moving to the table. While Sigrid, Bain, and Tilda are not your children, you've come to feel like they are. You'd do anything for them. You're in love with their father, Bard. You're pretty sure he feels the same way as you do, but neither of you have said anything.

     Sigrid and you put the food on the table as Bain walks through the door. He immediately smiles when he sees you and goes to hug you. "Hello, Y/N."

     You hug him tightly. "Hi, Bain."

     "Da is going to be so happy you're here."

     "He is? Why's that?"

     "Our da is always happy to see you." Tilda giggles.

      You lean down, smiling, and lightly tap her nose. "And I'm always happy to see your da." You murmur.

     "Is that so?" Bard asks, suddenly walking into the house.

     You whirl around, your eyes wide. A hot blush creeps into your face. "Bard." You gasp. He smiles at you as his children hug him. You put a piece of hair behind your ear.

     "Thanks for making dinner, Y/N." He says.

     "Oh, it wasn't just me. Sigrid and Tilda helped." You rush to explain. Bard still smiles at you only making you blush harder. You clasp your hands together. "Well, everyone, let's eat before our meal gets cold." You say.


     The majority of the meal is spent laughing and enjoying each other's company. This is what you hope it'd feel like if Bard and you ever got married. You sigh softly and look across the table at him as he laughs at something Bain says. How much you love this man. You never thought it'd be possible to love someone this much. But you do. Bard is everything to you.

      Suddenly Tilda's small voice breaks through your thoughts. "Da, when are you going to marry Y/N?" She asks innocently. There's dead silence. Bard looks at you. You drop your eyes quickly.

      "Tilda." Sigrid scolds.

      "What? I'm just curious." She replies softly. To break the awkwardness, you hurriedly start gathering the plates.

     "Well, I think I better clean up. It's getting late." You say.

     "That's a good idea." Bard agrees, standing to his feet and gathering the plates with you. You don't meet his eyes.


       A half hour later, you hug and kiss Bard's children goodbye. "I'll see you all very soon." You say.

     Tilda grasps on to you, hugging you tightly. "I love you, Y/N." She whispers. You look at Bard who's smiling at Tilda.

      You kiss her head. "I love you too." You whisper back. You gently pull her back. "Goodnight, everyone." You say, before opening up the door. You close it behind you and start walking down the steps.

     "Y/N!" Bard calls, opening up the door. You stop and turn, looking up at him.


     He slowly walks towards you. "About what Tilda said earlier..." He trails off.

      You hold a hand up. "Just forget about it, Bard. Children say things sometimes."

     He stops on the step above you. "No. She's right. When am I going to marry you?" He whispers.

     "Bard." You say in surprise, your eyes wide.

     "I love you, Y/N. You know I love you. Just as I know you love me. Why are we wasting time dancing around our feelings for each other? We've been best friends for years." He says eagerly. He slides his hands into yours and lowers his face close to yours. "Let's be husband and wife for the rest of our lives." He murmurs.

     "Oh, Bard. I thought you'd never say that." You whisper, throwing your arms around him. He holds you tightly, burying his face in your shoulder.

     "I love you so much, Bard. I love your children as if they are my own."

     "I know, I know. And we love you." He says, looking at you. He cups your face and kisses you passionately.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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