IMAGINE: Suprising Luke

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| IMAGINE for @shadowhunter0218 |

     You watch behind the scenes as Luke Evans, your longtime boyfriend, gets interviewed by Ellen DeGeneres. Luke has just finished filming his latest movie. You haven't seen him in six months. Ellen called you and told you that she'd love to have you surprise Luke on her show. You agreed to come.

     "So now tell me, Luke. You have a girlfriend." Ellen says.

     Luke smiles and nods. "Yes, yes I have a wonderful girlfriend. We've been dating for a few years." He answers.

     "You're gone a few months at a time, so how do you handle not seeing her?" Ellen asks.

    "I miss Y/N, my girlfriend, so much when I'm gone. I guess I don't really handle it well." He laughs. You smile. "But we do keep in touch. We try to call each other or Skype each night. I don't know what I'd do without Skype. I couldn't imagine not seeing her beautiful face every night. Right now, I'm just so excited to get home so I can be with her." Luke says.

     Ellen smiles. "How long till you go home and see Y/N?" She questions.

     "About three more weeks." He answers, frowning.

      "How about we make it zero weeks?" She asks, grinning.

     Luke's eyebrows draw confusedly. "What?" He asks.

     "Y/N, come on out here!" Ellen exclaims, motioning for you to come out. You jog out onto the stage, grinning, as the audience cheers and claps.

      Luke stands, his hands clasped over his mouth, in total shock. "Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?!" He exclaims. When you reach him, he pulls you into his arms and hugs you tightly.

     "Ellen called me and wanted me to surprise you." You answer, hugging him back. You sigh. "Oh, Luke, I've missed you so much." You whisper.

     Luke cradles the back of your head with his hand and, with his other hand, presses you against him. "I've missed you too. You have no idea how good it is to see you. Those next few weeks without seeing you seemed like forever." He murmurs. He pulls his head back to look at you, and you're surprised at the tears pooled in his eyes. "I never want to leave you again." He whispers, cupping your face.

     Your chin quivers and you smile up at him. "I don't want you leave me again." You tell him, your voice cracking.

     "I never will." He whispers.

     Luke clears his throat and looks at Ellen. "I actually have a little surprise of my own too." He claims.

     "Oh, great!" Ellen exclaims, smiling. You stare at Luke, your eyebrows raised. He looks back at you and then suddenly sinks to his knees. Everyone starts gasping and cheering. You laugh incredulously, your heart pounding.

     "Y/N, you're my everything. I can't even begin to explain the love I have for you. It grows everyday. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. Would you be willing to have me as your husband?" Luke asks.

     "I thought you'd never ask!" You exclaim, making everyone laugh, as you fall into his arms. Luke holds you tightly.

     "Did-did you know you were going to be doing this?!" Ellen asks, grinning.

     Luke laughs. "No, I had no idea. I knew I wanted to do it soon though. It was just kind of a spur of the moment thing. But this was just the perfect moment." He admits. You look at him and smile. He looks back at you and kisses you soundly on the lips, making cheers erupt from the crowd and Ellen.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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