IMAGINE: Going on a date with Bard

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You grab your coat off the nail on the wall as your mother kisses your cheek. "You have fun now, Y/N, okay? And make sure Bard treats you like a gentleman." She says.

You smile and hug her. "He's nothing but a gentleman, mother."

She gently pats your cheek. "I know. He's a good man."

You sigh dreamily and nod. "That he is." You agree. You are going on your first date with Bard.

"Go on now, or you'll be late." Your mother says. You pull on your jacket and then walk out the front door. You walk to the dock where Bard told you to meet him.

"Y/N." Bard says, pushing himself up off the crate he's leaning against.

"Hey." You say, smiling at him.

"Are you ready?" He asks, walking up to you. You peer up at him suspiciously. "For what?" You questio, sliding your hand into his. Bard smiles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Follow me." He answers, pulling you towards a small boat. He steps into the boat first and then helps you into it. You sit on the bench, grinning. "What are we doing?" You ask. Bard laughs and rolls his eyes. "So many questions." He sighs dramatically. "Ha ha." You draw out. He smiles. "To answer your question, we're going for a little boat ride." He responds as he pushes the boat away from the dock.
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Bard gracefully rows the boat through the water. Then he lets the boat bob on top of the water once you're out in the middle of lake. "I thought maybe we can watch the sunset." He states. "Plus I brought food." He adds, holding up a small basket. You grin at him. "Bard, you know me so well." You say. He smiles at you from the opposite bench and takes your hands in his. "I should. It's a small town. Everyone knows everything about everyone." He answers. "And that's just slightly creepy." You laugh. "It's very creepy." Bard agrees. "Thanks for doing this, Bard. This is a very special date." You say. "That's what I wanted it to be--i wanted it to be special. I thought you'd enjoy watching the sunset and being out on the water." He responds. "I am enjoying it. It's-it's-" You start to say. "Perfect?" Bard finishes, his voice hopeful. You smile and squeeze his hands. "Beyond perfect." You whisper. Bard suddenly hugs you. You gasp in surprise. You wrap your arms around him and sigh. He pulls back a minute later, his hands on your shoulders. He smiles at you and then squeezes your shoulders.
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Bard walks you home that night. You're holding hands as you both mount your front steps. "Thank you so much for today." You say to him. "Thank you for saying yes to go on a date with me." He replies. You chuckle. "Thank you for asking me." You tell him. He smiles at you. "You're welcome." He responds. "Well, goodnight." You say softly. Bard leans down and places a quick kiss on your cheek. "Goodnight." He returns, his voice gruff. You flush and smile at him, before opening your door. You close it and then lean against it, sighing deeply, unable to stop smiling.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Luke Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now