IMAGINE: Treating Owen's wounds after he's injured

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     You walk into Owen's house and immediately freeze. You turn your head and your eyebrows furrow. Owen is yelling at someone. "Uh-oh." You breathe, knowing when your boyfriend is angry, something bad is about to go down. You listen to hear the other voice.

     "Just shut up, Owen! You don't even know what you're talking about!" A man shouts.

     Fear drops into the pit of your stomach. "Oh no." You whisper, realizing that it's Deckard's voice, Owen's older brother. "That's not good." You say, quickly moving to the room where you hear them yelling at each other. You rip open the door and Owen and Deckard both turn their heads to look at you. "What is going on?" You ask. Owen goes to your side and wraps a protective arm around your waist. Owen and Deckard glare at each other. "Guys! What is it?!" You exclaim.

    It's-it's nothing, Y/N." Deckard says, looking at you, his voice soft.

     "It's not nothing, Deckard." Owen spits.

     "Love, what is it?" You ask, peering up at Owen.

     "Owen, don't." Deckard warns.

     Owen narrows his eyes at him. "Deckard is jealous of me because I'm dating you."

     Your eyes widen and you swivel your head to look at Deckard. His head is down and you're pretty sure he's blushing. "Deckard, is this true?" You ask softly.

     "Of course it's true." Owen scoffs.

     Deckard slowly lifts his head and you swallow nervously. His face darkens and his eyes go bright with anger. "Shut up!" He screams, lunging for Owen.

     You jump out of the way just in time as Deckard tackles Owen to the floor. "Stop it! Stop!" You scream at them as they throw punches at one another.

     "Don't ever talk to me like that again!" Deckard shouts at Owen as he punches his little brother in the face.

     "Owen! Deckard! Stop!" You shout. You watch as Owen gains an advantage and flips Deckard onto his back. You watch as he throws a few punches at Deckard. Deckard kicks Owen off of him, sending him sprawling backwards. He lands painfully against a table, gasping. You grimace. Deckard jumps to his feet, breathing hard. His lip is bleeding. You glance at Owen whose nose is bleeding and you can already see he's going to have two black eyes. The two brothers just stare at each other.

     You hold your hands up. "Okay, guys, just take a deep breath. You can resolve this without killing each other." You soothe calmly.

     "Obviously you don't know the Shaws." Deckard grits out, before Owen runs at him.

     Come on!" You groan as they continue to fight. Owen falls to the ground and Deckard kneels on top of his chest. They glare at each other, breathing hard.

     "Guys, please. Please stop fighting!" You plead.

     "We will. We will." Deckard pants, before pulling a knife from his pocket. Owen cries out and struggles to get out from underneath Deckard.

     "Deckard, no!" You scream, jumping for him as he cuts Owen's shoulder. Owen yelps. "Get off of him now!" You scream, pulling Deckard off of Owen. You grab Deckard's shoulders and turn him to face you. "That is enough!" You shout angrily. "Deckard, Owen, what is wrong with you two?!" You exclaim, glancing at Owen. He's gripping his bleeding shoulder. "You two are so close and you're going to let me tear you apart? Get your priorities straight." You say. You look at Deckard who's staring down at you, hurt in his eyes. "Deckard, please leave. I don't want you coming back here until you have cooled off, and when Owen and you are ready to apologize to each other." You tell him, your voice shaking.

     "Y/N, I-" Deckard starts to say.

     "Just leave." You interrupt him. He sighs and nods. You release his shoulders and he walks out of the room.

     "Owen." You breathe, rushing to your boyfriend's side. "Are you okay?" You ask. Owen is grimacing. He tries to sit up and groans. "Here, here, here, just-just lay down and I'll get you fixed up." You say, before leaving his side. You find a first aid kit. You return to the room and sit beside Owen. You wince at the bruised already covering his face.

     "I wouldn't-I wouldn't leave the house tomorrow, Owen."

     "Why?" He asks, his eyes closed.

     "Uh...I-I just wouldn't." You answer, lightly dabbing at his bleeding lip with a washcloth.

     He opens one eye and stares at you. He smiles and then winces, thinking better of it. "Is it because I'm not going to look as handsome as always?" He asks jokingly.

     You smile and shake your head. "Just hold the washcloth here and I'll see what your shoulder looks like." You tell him. Owen holds the washcloth as you help him remove his shirt. You gently help him lay back down on the ground, your hands against his bare back. It feels like electric shocks are moving through your fingers. He smiles flirtatiously at you and you blush, looking away from him.

     You eye the cut at his shoulder. "It doesn't look too deep. I don't think Deckard wanted it deep." You say. You clean off the wound with an alcohol swap, causing Owen to suck in a sharp breathe. "Sorry." You grimace.

     He shakes his head. "It's-it's okay." He mutters.

     You finish cleaning his wound and then bandage it up. "It should be okay."

     Owen grabs your hand and squeezes it. "Thank you, Y/N." He whispers.

     You smile at him. "You're welcome, Owen." You reply. "Just please don't do anything that stupid again."

     "I'm not making any promises."

     "Owen." You complain.

     He lifts his hand up to your face. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He says softly. You shake your head, rolling your eyes. His thumb strokes your cheekbone. "I promise I won't do anything stupid like that again."

     "Thank you." You reply. Owen slowly pushes himself up. "Careful, careful." You say, putting a hand on his good shoulder and helping him up. His face is a few inches from yours. You're finding it difficult to breathe with him so near to you. Owen gives you a gentle smile and cups the back of your neck. He leans the remaining inches towards you and you meet him halfway. He kisses you softly at first. Then his arm goes around you, pulling you closer to him. You wrap your arms around his bare back. He deepens the kiss.

     Without thinking, he starts to lift his wounded shoulder. He cries out and breaks the kiss. "Owen." You laugh softly.

     "Sorry." He groans.

     You put your hand on his shoulder. "No more kissing. You need to rest." You say, smiling at him.

     "Just one more kiss?" He asks hopefully.

     You roll your eyes, still smiling. "Fine. One more kiss." You answer. Owen grins and kisses you again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Luke Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now