IMAGINE: Dating Luke after breaking up with Tom

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| IMAGINE for @risinghero1 |

     You sit on the couch with Tom Hiddleston, your hands in his. You smile at him and he looks away. "Tom?" You question. You scoot closer to him. "Is everything all right?" You ask. Your boyfriend of one and a half years grudgingly looks at you. "You can tell me, honey, you know you can." You say softly. Tom just stares at you.
      You sigh and lean forward to kiss him. When your lips touch his, he doesn't make a move to kiss you back. You pull away, staring at him worriedly, your eyebrows deeply furrowed. "Tom, seriously, what's wrong?" You ask.
    Tom's lips turn down in a frown and tears sting his eyes. Panic pricks your heart. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, but I can't do this anymore." He states softly.
    "Do what anymore?" You ask, shaking your head.
    "I have to break up with you. My life is too busy right now to have this career and a girlfriend. It's not fair to you. I barely see you anymore. You don't deserve this kind of boyfriend." He says, his eyes red.
    Tears fall down your cheeks. "We can do this, Tom. I know we can. We love each other, yes?" You say.
    Tom bites his lip and looks down.
     "You don't love me..." You whisper hoarsely.
    "I'm sorry, Y/N. I loved you when we started dating. I was in love with you. But now that I've spent more time with you, I see you as a sister, not as a girlfriend." He answers. You can see the pain in his eyes as he says this.
    "I guess I can't fault you for that, Tom." You say slowly.
     He cups your face and brushes away the tears. "I love you like a sister, Y/N. I want what's best for you. And I'm not the best for you." He says. You nod, sniffling.
    You stand up and brush away your tears with the sleeve of your shirt, the pain in your heart killing you. "I need to go." You mutter.
    "Let me walk you out." Tom says, standing.
    "No." You say, shaking your head, already walking out of his house.

     You lay in your bed, sobbing, later that night. Your phone rings and, without a moment's hesitation, you reach for it, hoping it's Tom wanting you back. You frown slightly when you see it's your best friend Luke Evans. You wipe your nose with a tissue and then sniff.
     "Hello, Luke." You answer, trying to sound happy.
      Luke immediately notices your false facade. "Y/N, what is it? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly. You realize there's no use in lying to him.
     "Tom broke up with me." You whimper.
     "I'll be over in 10." Luke says quickly. Before you can protest, he hangs up. You sigh and sink your head into the pillow.
     Luke walks into your room fifteen minutes later, in his hands two dozen red roses and a chocolate milkshake. "Sorry I'm late. The line at the drive through was insane." He says.
    You smile and push yourself up in bed. "What is this?" You ask as he hands you the milkshake.
    "They're gifts of consolation for your breakup." He answers, setting the flowers down and sitting down on your bed.
    "Tha-nk you." You answer, your voice catching.
    Luke gives you a kind smile. "Now tell me, Y/N, what happened?" He asks.
    You sigh and give him a recount of everything that happened a few hours before. When you're finished, you're weeping in Luke's arms. He holds you against him tightly and rocks you back and forth.
     "Shh, shh, Y/N, it's going to be all right." He whispers comfortingly in your ear.
    "I-I just thought I was going to be with Tom forever." You sputter.
    "Y/N, one day someone will come into your life and you will realize why it didn't work out between Tom and you." Luke says. You nod against his chest. "I promise you that, Y/N. I promise." He whispers in your ear.
     You look up at him, sniffing. "I will hold you to that." You say.


     Two months later, you're sitting on a park bench, watching the snow gracefully fall down. You smile widely as you see Luke gingerly walking over to you, two cups of steaming hot cocoa in his hands.
     "There ya go." He says, handing you a cup and sitting down next to you.
      "Thank you." You reply, your heart pounding at the nearness of him. Luke was right when he said a person would come into your life and make you realize that there was a reason it didn't work out with Tom. You never realized, though, that it'd be Luke himself. Though your best friend hasn't said it outright, you know he feels the same way.
     "It's so cold." Luke shudders, smiling.
     "Well, it's a good thing I've got you to keep me warm." You say, leaning into him.
    He laughs softly and wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Y/N, when are we going to make us official? I like you, you like me. Let's do something about it!" He exclaims.
    "We can make it official right now that we're a couple." You say, grinning.
    "And how do you propose that we make it official?" He asks, smiling.
    "Mmm, you could kiss me." You suggest.
    "Done." Luke says quickly, before pulling you in for a long, deep kiss. When he pulls away, you're breathless. "Congratulations, Y/N. We're now official." He states, grinning.
     "Thanks, Luke." You say.
     "For what?" He asks.
    "For keeping your promise to me. That I'd find someone who'd make me realize that there was a reason it didn't work out with Tom." You answer, smiling..
     Luke smiles. "You're welcome." He says. He leans in closer and kisses you again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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