IMAGINE: Gaston and you hoping for a son

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You walk through the house, in that awkward pregnant waddle, trying to find your youngest daughter, three year old Cadence. You walk past Giselle's, your four year old daughter, room, and then back track. She's sitting on the floor, playing with two dolls.

"Honey, have you seen Cadence? I need to find her and get her cleaned up for dinner." You say, resting a hand on your stomach.

She looks up at you, her luscious dark brown hair, courtesy of your husband Gaston, slipping over her shoulder. "Try under your and Papa's bed." She suggests.

You smile at her. "Thank you." You sigh, before rushing to your room.

"Cadence? Are you underneath here?" You ask, awkwardly kneeling down. You hear her giggling. You shake your head, grinning. You look under the bed and see her hiding. You reach for her. "Come on." You say, grabbing her. She's screaming and giggling as you pull her out from underneath the bed. You smother her face in kisses as she shrieks.

"What is going on?" Gaston laughs, walking into your bedroom.

You turn around, Cadence in your arms. "Gaston." You breathe. He smiles at you and you smile back.

You kiss Cadence's cheek. "Go play with your sister." You say to her, before setting her on the ground. She runs off to go join Giselle. Gaston opens his arms and you step into his embrace, releasing a sigh.

"Tough day?" Gaston asks, kissing your head.

You laugh softly, shaking your head. "No, no. They're both just very energetic today." You answer.

Gaston pulls back and sets his hands on your stomach. "Hopefully he won't be as rambunctious." He murmurs.

You smirk at him. "You're so sure it's going to be a boy?" You question.

"It better be! My plans for having strapping, handsome boys, like me, have been dashed by our two daughters." Gaston sputters.

You stare at him, your eyebrows furrowing. "I hope for a son too, Gaston. But our daughters are beautiful. I know you were hoping for sons with both pregnancies, and you were disappointed when they were girls." You say.

Gaston cups your face. "Don't get me wrong, my love, I love our daughters to death. But I want a son. I've always wanted sons. I want them to grow up like me—handsome, strong..." He trails off, wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you to him, a seductive glint in his eyes. "And not to mention incredibly charming." He murmurs, before kissing you. You smile and kiss him back.


After dinner, Gaston and you put your two daughters to bed. Then you both sit on your bed.

Gaston stretches out, groaning. "Honey, would you mind?" He asks, kicking off his boots and wiggling his toes.

"Oh, no, not at all." You say, going to the edge of the bed. You start massaging his feet.

Gaston smiles and closes his eyes. "Thanks, Y/N." He says.

You smile lovingly at him. "Anything for you, Gaston." You sigh. After finishing Gaston's massage, you crawl up to him and lay down next to him, your head on his shoulder and your hand on his chest.

Gaston caresses your stomach, smiling at you. "Three children. How amazing is that?" He whispers.

You smile at him. "How many more do you want, Gaston?" You ask.

"Well, I've always wanted six or seven boys. So...maybe six or seven more?" He says, grinning.

You laugh incredulously. "Assuming that this one is a boy, yes?" You say.

Luke Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now