IMAGINE: Scott falling in love with you

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| IMAGINE for @supermiss98 |

     You stand in your driveway, staring at your car, utterly stumped on what to do. Your chin is in your hand and you're lost in thought. While you were driving home from work, you heard a weird noise coming from your car. You quickly drove home so you wouldn't be stranded if your car just suddenly died on you. But now, having no experience whatsoever with cars, you don't know what to do. You tried looking it up on the internet, but the search was way too vague.

     You glance around at your neighbors' homes. You only moved into your home a few months ago and you're new to the area. You watch as Scott Hipwell pulls into his driveway next to yours. Scott's had an interesting life. His wife died a year ago, but you heard rumors that there was some dysfunction between them. You've met Scott a few times and he's pretty nice, not to mention good looking.

     Scott catches you watching him. "Do you need some help, Y/N?" He asks, stepping out of his car.

    "Actually yeah." You answer. You raise your eyebrows. "Are you any good with cars?" You ask.


     You're preparing dinner for Scott and you as he works on your car. You took Scott on a drive around the block so he could hear the noise coming from your car. After you got back to your house, Scott told you not to worry and that he'd see to the problem. You decided to make dinner for him.

     You step into the garage. "Any luck?" You ask Scott as he wipes his hands on a rag. He looks at you, smiling.

     "Yes." He answers.

     You grimace. "It's not going to clear out my bank account, will it?" You ask.

     He laughs. "No, no, no, of course not. Something just needed to be tightened, that's all." He explains.

     You breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh, am I glad to hear that." You say. "Scott, I can't thank you enough. I know next to nothing about cars and I really didn't know what to do." You tell him.

     Scott smiles at you. "Of course. If you ever need help for anything else, just let me know. I'd be happy to help." He replies.

     "Would, uh, would you like to stay for dinner?" You ask.

     "Oh, no, no, no, I couldn't..." He says, hesitating.

     "No, please! After all you've done, dinner is the least I can do." You say.

     Scott looks at you and then a smile spreads across his face. "Well, all right." He agrees.

     You grin at him. "Follow me." You say, walking to the door.


     Scott and you have a marvelous dinner together, and you're actually sad to say goodnight to him. You walk him to your front door. "Thanks so much, again, Scott." You say.

     "Anytime, Y/N. Really, I mean it. Especially since you're new around here, I'd be happy to help with any household problems, or any problems in general, that you might have." He replies.

     "And I'd be happy to provide meals for you as a way of compensating you." You respond, grinning.

    Scott grins back at you. "That's fine by me. I haven't eaten that good in...well, ages." He says.

     "Well, next time you're over, expect to eat that good again, huh?" You laugh softly.

     Scott chuckles. "I will, Y/N, I will." He says. He smiles at you. "Well, goodnight." He says.

      "Goodnight, Scott." You return as he walks down the front steps and goes to his house. You shut the door and then lock it, still smiling.


     You take Scott up on his offer to help you with any problems that you have. In the following weeks of your car issues, you have many problems occurring in your house. Scott comes over a couple of times a few to help you with the problems—which is completely fine with Scott and you—and every night ends in dinner. You really, really like Scott and you think he likes you too.

     Scott puts a wrench in his tool box and then stands up, grinning. "Okay, is there anything else I can fix while I'm here?" He asks.

     "No, not that I know of." You answer. You hop up onto your counter. "You know, you really shouldn't have offered to help me with my household problems." You state.

     Scott stands in front of you, smiling at you. "And why not?" He questions.

    "Because you spend more time at my house than you do your own." You laugh.

     Scott grins and puts his hands on the counter, his hands splayed down at either side of your hips. Your heart catches at his nearness. "Well, I don't mind. I love spending time with you." He says.

     "You do?" You ask, your voice sounding breathy.

     He nods. "I do. I really do." He answers softly.

     You smile a little and look down. "Well, I love spending time with you too." You say. Scott puts his hands on your hips and your eyes snap up to meet his. He takes a step forward until he's completely against your legs. His hands crawl up your sides until they rest on your waist. He leans forward and places his mouth against yours. You suck in a breath and then sigh, before closing your eyes. Your arms wrap around his neck. Scott's hands splay flat against your back as he deepens the kiss. For what seems like minutes later, you break the kiss, breathing hard.

     You look at Scott who's staring up at you, looking a little dazed. You laugh softly. "Scott, I think I found something that you can fix." You murmur.

     He blinks a few times. "Yeah?" He questions.

     "I'm feeling a little kiss deprived." You whisper. Scott grins before he kisses you again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Luke Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now