IMAGINE: Meeting Gaston

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     You take your first walk through the small, provincial town, noticing everyone staring at you, particularly all of the men, who're basically drooling. You can't help the smug little smile that dances on your lips as you clutch the book in your hand. You're used to this treatment. You used to be well known for your beauty throughout all of Paris. When your family decided to move out to the country, you were crushed, dreading that people in this new town wouldn't think you as beautiful as the Parisians do. Apparently, these small town folks feel the same way as the Parisians.

     You flip your hair over your shoulder which causes a loud sigh to erupt from the men closest to you. You hear people murmuring as you walk by.

     "She's as beautiful as Belle, if not more so!"

     "And look, she has a book in her hand!"

     "Well, what do you know? We've got another Belle."

     "Where's Gaston? He needs to meet her."

     "The poor man still hasn't gotten over Belle."

     "Well maybe this new woman will take his mind off of her."

     Your eyebrows furrow, wondering who this Belle woman is. Surely she can't be as beautiful as you. Someone prettier than you? You snort at the thought. "Hardly." You murmur, turning your nose up in the air. Just then you pass a mirror and stop. You look at your reflection and smile slowly. "As beautiful as always, Y/N." You say to yourself. You flash yourself one more smile before continuing your walk, relishing in the stares of the townspeople.


     Gaston walks out of his house and then immediately stops, his eyes landing on you as you talk with the dressmaker. His eyes go wide. "Who is she?" He whispers in awe as you laugh, your hand on your chest.

     ""Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle!" He yells at you. You don't hear him as you continue to talk to the dressmaker.

     "She's-she's beautiful." Gaston breathes, smiling at you from afar. He all but runs down the stairs, his mind racing on how to get your attention. His mind snaps to the stables. "Women love horses." He claims, before stalking over to his horse. He saddles it and then brings it within sight of you.

     Gaston smooths his hair to make sure he looks as dashing as always. He forces himself to laugh loudly and then he rubs his horse's nose, glancing at you to make sure you see him. He feels your gaze turn on him and he grins. He puts his foot in the stirrup and grabs the saddle horn. He starts to swing up on his horse when the animal get spooked by a small child running through the streets. The animal neighs and bucks, sending Gaston falling onto his back. His horse takes off running, leaving Gaston on the ground, blinking in surprise.

     You gasp and clasp your hands over your mouth, your eyes wide in horror. As if nothing just happened, Gaston pulls himself up off the ground and sniffs, looking around to make sure no one else saw him fall. He brushes his shirt off and then straightens it. He takes a deep breath, puffing out his chest, and strides towards you as if he never fell.

     When Gaston nears you, he smiles. "What's your name?" He asks.

     "Are you all right?!" You exclaim.

     "Yes, yes, I'm fine." He replies, brushing off your question. "What's your name?" He questions again.

     "Y/N, and yours?" You ask.

     Gaston swallows. "I'm Gaston." He states as if you should have already known it.

     Your eyes widen slightly. "You're Gaston?" You ask.

     "That's right." He smirks pridefully, crossing his arms. He flexes his biceps and then looks down at them to make sure they look good. You watch as a fly lands on his cheek and he smacks it away, disgusted, frowning deeply. He clears his throat and then looks at you, resuming his smirk and his stance.

     You hide your smile. "I've heard a lot about you, Gaston." You say.

     "I'd imagine you have you, Y/N. Most of the town talk is about me." He states.

     You smile. "Mm, well, not this morning it wasn't. It was tied between me and this-this Belle woman." You answer, saying her name with distaste.

      Gaston stares at you, his countenance falling slightly. "Belle?" He questions.

     You nod and hold your hand out, examining your perfectly clean nails. "Apparently they were comparing me to her. You were thrown in there somewhere along the mix. But it was mostly about who was prettier-Belle or me." You explain, sniffing. "Of course they ended up choosing me as the victor." Your eyebrows furrow. "Then again, there wasn't ever really a competition." You say. Gaston smiles at you.

     "What is the deal with you and this Belle woman anyways? What was so special about her?" You question curiously. You bite your lip. "Was she as beautiful as they say?" You ask worriedly, not wanting anyone to outshine you.

     "She was smart and beautiful, almost as beautiful as me." Gaston states. You raise an eyebrow. "Almost." He repeats, winking at you. You smile at him. He sighs. "She rejected my proposal and ended up marrying this...beast. She moved out of town and I remained here, always on the lookout for a woman as beautiful as her." He tells you.

      You step closer to him. "And have you found her?" You ask, slowly dragging your eyes up to meet his.

      Gaston smiles at you. "Oh, I believe I have." He whispers.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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