IMAGINE: Vlad and yours child coming early

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| IMAGINE for @ShadowsSalvatore |

     "Vlad!" A servant comes screaming.

      Vlad looks up from his maps. "What is it? " He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

      The servant slides to a stop, breathless, his face pale. "It's your wife. She's having her baby." He breathes.

      Vlad drops everything and takes off running, the servant at his heels. You weren't supposed to have your baby for another two months. "What happened?" He asks the servant.

     "I was in the nursery with her. We were cleaning up the room. She started clutching her stomach and she fell to the ground, groaning and in pain. I brought her to her room and then went to go get you." The servant explains.

     "And is the doctor on his way?" Vlad asks, hearing the panic in his voice. He can't lose you. He just can't. The servant nods.

     Vlad bursts into his and yours bedroom. The servant respectfully stays behind. You're laying in bed, surrounded by female servants. "Y/N." Vlad whispers, rushing to your side.

     "Vlad." You cry as he strokes your forehead. You're sweating. "I'm so scared." You weep.

     Vlad's eyes fill with tears at the distress in your voice. "I know, my love, I know. I'm scared too." He whispers.

     "I don't want this baby to die. We tried so long to get pregnant and now that I am, we may lose our child." You sob.

      "Shh, shh, we won't lose our baby." Vlad tells you softly, despite the fear growing inside him that he may lose you and his child.


     You scream in pain, gripping onto Vlad's hand. You're crying, half from pain and half from fear. "Well?" Vlad asks the doctor worriedly.

     The doctor looks at Vlad and you. "The baby is early. It's too early to tell now if it'll be all right. But we have to go through with the birth. We have to do it quick or else Y/N is going to lose too much blood, and..." He trails off.

     Vlad swallows, paling.

     "If it comes between saving the baby or me, save the baby. Please." You beg.

     "Y/N..." Vlad says, unsure.

     "No! Vlad, please. I can't let this baby die." You sob. He nods, his face grim.

     The doctor takes a deep breath. "All right, let's prepare for the birth." He states.


      "It's okay. You're doing okay." Vlad whispers as you whimper.

     "It hurts. It hurts so bad." You grit out.

      "I know it does, Y/N." He says softly.

     "Almost there. Just one more push." The doctor instructs. You nod weakly. "Push now, Y/N." He says. You push down and hard. Vlad gasps as the doctor holds up the screaming little boy.

      "You've got a son." He states.

     You stare at the doctor worriedly. "Is-is he okay?" You choke out.

     He smiles at you. "He's a little small, but he'll be fine. We may have misjudged when you conceived. Your son is just fine." He answers.

      You sink against the pillow, tears sliding out of the corners of your eyes. "Oh, thank goodness." You breathe. Vlad sighs with relief and rests his head on your shoulder.

     "Would you like to hold him?" The doctor asks. You nod, smiling. He sets your son in your arms.

     "Oh." You sigh in wonder as your son gazes up at you.

     "He's beautiful." Vlad whispers, tears shining in his eyes.

     You look at him, smiling. "I know where he gets his looks from." You say.

      Vlad rolls his eyes, chuckling. He kisses you softly and then wraps his arms around you and his son. "I love you." He whispers, glancing at you.

      You rests your head against his. "I love you too." You whisper.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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