IMAGINE: Scott getting hurt

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| IMAGINE for @supernaturalgirl3191 |

     You're sleeping in Scott's arms one night when you suddenly here people shouting and screaming. You wake up with a gasp and sit up, startling your husband. "Y/N, what-what is it?" He asks tiredly, rubbing his eyes.

     "Do you hear that?" You whisper. The two of you stay in silence for a moment, listening to the fighting coming from one of the neighbors.

     "Rachel and Tom." Scott and you both groan in unison. Rachel and Tom are divorced. They're both mental cases.

     "What time is it?" Scott asks, grabbing his phone. "Ugh, 2:30." He moans. "I'm going over there and telling them to stop." He states, pulling the sheets off.

     "No, Scott, don't!" You exclaim, grabbing his arm and stopping him. "They're crazy and probably drunk. They might hurt you." You say.

    Scott looks at you and smiles, cupping your cheek. "I'll be all right, Y/N. I'll be back soon." He whispers, before kissing you softly and then getting out of bed.


     You anxiously pace the bedroom floor as you wait for Scott to get home. It's been ten minutes since he's left and the shouting has finally quieted down. You hope Scott has talked some sense into them. Your heart races. "Oh, Scott, please come home soon." You whisper.

     A couple of minutes later, Scott stumbles through the front door. You rush out of your bedroom to meet him. He's leaning on the counter, breathing hard. "Scott?" You ask worriedly, tentatively touching his back. He lifts his head and you gasp.

     "Scott, what happened?!" You exclaim in horror, reaching into the counter for a towel and holding it up to his bleeding nose.

     He winces. "Rachel punched me." He states.

    "That witch." You hiss, about to stalk right out the front door and give her a piece of your mind.

     "No, don't!" Scott protests, grabbing your arm and stopping you. "Y/N, we need to call the police so they can handle it." He claims, his nose sounding plugged up. You nod, your anger dissipating. You look at your husband and gently move him to the couch.

     "Did she punch you anywhere else?" You ask.

    "No." Scott answers, pulling the blood soaked towel away from his nose. He looks at it and grimaces. "That woman has a mean sucker punch." He mutters.

     "That woman needs to be thrown in jail for the night, her ex-husband with her!" You spit.

     "Give me the phone and I'll call the police, honey." Scott states. You go to get the phone and then hand it to him. You sit back down next to him and gently touch his face.

     "Are you sure you're all right?" You ask.

     "Yes, Y/N, I'm fine. Really." He answers. You sigh sadly, frowning.

     Scott gives you a small smile. "Let me just call the police and we can get this over with and get back to bed, huh?" He says.

     You smile and nod. "All right." You whisper, laying your head on his shoulder.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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