IMAGINE: Luke taking care of you when you're sick

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| IMAGINE for @NickJonasLAfan |

     You absentmindedly hear your doorbell ringing. You roll over in bed and pull your pillow over your eyes, groaning. You sniff, your nose stuffy. You woke up early this morning with a bad cold. It came out of nowhere. Your doorbell rings again. You sigh deeply and drag yourself out of bed. You comb your fingers through your hair and make your way to the front door. You pull it open, squinting at the sun, and then your eyes widen in surprise. Luke, your boyfriend is standing there with a concerned look on his face.

     "Luke, what are you doing here?" You ask. He moves into your house and then shuts the door. He crosses his arms. He doesn't look happy.

     "Why haven't you been answering my texts and calls? I've been so worried about you! I thought something had happened to you."

     You wince. "Ah, Luke, I'm sorry, I put my phone on silent last night before I went to bed and I totally forgot about it."

     He cocks his head. "Are you sick?"

     You nod. "Yeah, I woke up with a cold this morning." You sigh.

     "Oh, honey." He whispers, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "You need to go back to bed. I'll go make you some nice hot tea and soup." He says, gently leading you back to your bedroom as if you're made of glass. Once you're back in bed, Luke tucks you in. "I'll be right back, okay?" He says, before kissing your forehead.

     "No, Luke! Don't kiss me! I'm going to get you sick!" You exclaim, moving away from him. He waves a hand in the air.

      "Oh, I'll be fine." He protests.


     Luke comes in twenty minutes later with a tray of soup, tea, and medicine. There's also one single daisy in a vase.

     You burst out laughing. "Luke, this is totally overkill." You wheeze out. He sits down on the bed.

     "Shut up and let me take care of you for once. I want to do this."

      "Where the heck did you even get the daisy from?"

      He shrugs. "I don't know, I found it outside." He answers. You shake your head, grinning. "Do you want soup or tea first?" He asks.

     "I'll take the tea, thank you."

     He hands you the cup. "Careful, it's hot." He warns.

       You take a sip and smile over the rim of the cup. "Don't be such a grandma." You chuckle.

      "I will act like a grandma when it comes to you, Y/N. You think you can brave anything. You need to slow down and rest, and I'm going to help you do it." Luke tells you smugly.

     "Fine, fine, fine, fine. Spoil me as if you don't do that already." You grin.

     He flicks your nose. "I will, don't worry. Now drink your tea and be quiet. You need to rest that voice." He says. You open your mouth to protest, but he puts his finger underneath your jaw and gently closes it. "Drink your tea." He commands, his eyes staring into yours, challenging you.

     "Bossy, bossy." You mutter into your cup, smiling.


Luke pampers you all day long. It's wonderful. You wake up from your nap to the smell of cleaning products. You sit up in bed and sniff, your nose a little less stuffy.

     "Hey, Luke?" You call out. He rushes in a second later, a rag over his shoulder. "What are you doing?" You ask.


     "You're cleaning my house?" You ask incredulously.

      "Y/N, do you know how many germs there are in a house? Too many. I decided to wipe some out." He says, before whipping up a can of Lysol and shooting the air with it.

     You start laughing. "I should be sick more often."

     He smiles at you. "Please don't; I hate seeing you like this."

     "Me too." You sigh. "But at least I get special treatment from the man I love. Even more special treatment than he usually gives me." You grin. He leans down and kisses your cheek. You grab his hand and stare up at him. "Thanks, Luke. For everything. You didn't have to do this. You really are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for." You whisper softly. He caresses your cheek and sits down beside you.

      "And you're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for."

     "Don't lie, it's not becoming of you." You grin. He laughs softly and flicks your shoulder.

      "I'm not lying, Y/N. You really are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I hope you will let me take care of you for the rest of our lives." He admits. Tears fill your eyes and you rapidly blink them away.

     "Thank you, Luke. You're so sweet." You choke out. He hugs you tightly and you hug him back.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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