IMAGINE: Bard helping you after you've been injured

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     You stumble along the Forest River, your two year old daughter, Lila, in your arms. She clutches onto you, crying into your neck. "It's-it's going to be okay." You breathe weakly, holding onto her tightly, tears blurring in your eyes. Your knees give way beneath you  and you fall to the rocky ground, your daughter protected in your arms. Even more pain runs through your body and you grimace. You lay on the rocks, in too much pain to even move. Blood runs down your face and you're bruised and battered. You look down at Lila, her sweet little arms cut up and bleeding.

     "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." You sob as she cries, cuddling deeper into your arms. You rest your head back and stare up at the cloudless blue sky as tears flood your eyes.

     You lived in Langwell with your daughter. You decided to move, realizing it was way too dangerous to have Lila grow up there. So you packed up your small belongings and left, wanting to head east towards Esgaroth—meaning you'd have to travel through Mirkwood. Not even two weeks into your trip, Lila and you were about to emerge from the Mirkwood forest when you were attacked by two Mirkwood spiders. You both were badly injured before, out of a complete spike of adrenaline at seeing your daughter getting attacked by one, you killed both spiders with a couple of kitchen knives.

     Now you're here beside the Forest River, completely and utterly exhausted, fearing that your daughter and you will die. You close your eyes, just needing to rest.


     You wake up to the sense that someone is standing over you. Your eyes fly open and you jump up, Lila still in your arms, and then gasp in pain, weakly sinking back to the ground. You look at the man who's staring at you with interest and worry.

     "Who-who are you?" He asks.

     "I should be asking the same of you." You wince.

     He kneels beside you, making Lila look up at him, her big brown eyes tear filled. "My name is Bard. I was here to collect the barrels from the Woodland Realm so I could bring back to Lake Town. I saw you on the bank." He explains gently, offering you a smile.

     "My-my name is Y/N and this is my daughter, Lila." You tell him, believing you can trust him.

     "Well, Y/N and Lila, you're both very injured and exhausted. If you want, I can take you back to Lake Town with me and help you." Bard offers.

     Your eyebrows draw. "W-why would you help me?" You whisper.

     He smiles gently. "I know a woman in need when I see one." He replies, holding out his hand. You smile a little at him and he gingerly helps you to your feet.


     You watch as Bard and his three children go around their house, making sure Lila and you are comfortable. When you made it to Bard's house, he and his oldest daughter, Sigrid, quickly got to work on Lila, washing her wounds and bandaging her up. They fed her and then put her to bed.

     Now Bard sits beside, cleaning up your cuts. You wince as it stings. "I'm sorry." He frowns.

     You shake your head. "No, it's okay. It has to be done." You mutter. "Thank you so much for taking us in, Bard. I don't know how I can ever repay you." You say hoarsely, tearing up.

     Bard smiles at you. "Pass it on, Y/N. Pass on the kindness. This world needs it." He replied. You nod. "So what happened exactly?" He asks. You tell him everything that happened. His eyes are wide when you finish the story. He sits back from bandaging your wounds.

     "Wow. You're so brave, Y/N. Most men wouldn't even be able to handle that." Bard states.

     You smile sadly. "My husband would have." You whisper, pain squeezing your heart.

     Bard's eyebrows draw sadly. "What happened to him?" He asks.

     You glance at Lila. "A few months after Lila was born, he was killed in a hunting accident." You tell him, your voice cracking, as a tear slides down your cheek.

     "My wife died as well, leaving me with our three children. They're all I have." Bard admits.

     You look at him. "I know how you feel. Lila is all I have." You say.

       He smiles at you. "I hope, in the future, things will be better for you, Y/N." He says.

     You smile back. "I hope the same for you too, Bard." You respond.

     "What will you do now?" He asks.

     "Well, once my strength is regained, I'll look for work here. My original plan was to stay here and make a home for Lila and me, and that hasn't changed." You explain.

     "Then I guess we'll be neighbors of a sort." Bard states, grinning.

     "I guess so." You laugh softly. "I'm glad I at least know someone in this town." You tell him.

     "You've got a friend now." Bard says, smiling.

     You smile at him. "I believe I do." You reply.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

Luke Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now