IMAGINE: Luke and you pranking people on set

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| IMAGINE for @captaingaston |

     You sit around a table inside the lunch tent with Luke, Dakota Fanning, Daniel Bruhl, and some video photographers. You're on location for your new project The Alienist.

     "Luke and I are going up to get some more food. Do any of you need anything?" You ask.

     "Uh, yeah, could you just get me a soda please?" Daniel asks.

     "Sure, coming right up.

     Luke, your best friend, and you leave the table. "Now is our chance, Y/N." He whispers to you.

     You grin. "I know." You reply, grabbing a can of Sprite. "He'll hate us, but that's okay." You murmur. Luke stands to the side of you, obscuring anyone of a view as you madly shake the can.

     Luke and you have been best friends since childhood. This is the first project you two have worked on together. You both get a little obnoxious around each other, especially on set. Together you've been partners-in-crime, choosing random victims to prank on set. Today it's Daniel Bruhl.

     Luke and you walk back to the table. "I thought you guys were getting more food." Dakota states.

      Luke glances at you and then back at her. "Uh, yeah, we were going to, but then we decided we weren't really hungry." He lies.

     You hold up the can of Sprite. "But, Daniel, we still got you your soda."

     "Oh, thanks." He says, reaching for it. You hand it to him. Luke and you share a secretive glance as you sit down. Daniel lifts the tab all the way up and the soda flies out of the can, spraying everywhere and raining down on him. Luke and you burst out laughing. Dakota stares at the both of you, her jaw dropped, while the video photographers tried to hide their laughter.

     Daniel looks at you calmly and blows some of the soda from his lips. "You know, I-I-I knew it was going to be me one of these times." He admits.

     "Better be on the lookout, Dakota. You're next." You grin at her.

     She rolls her eyes at you. "Good luck trying to prank me." She mutters, before grabbing her plate and leaving.


      You're on set with Dakota and Luke two days later. The scene is one where Dakota and Luke find you in a room unconscious.

     "Ready?" Luke whispers to you, smiling.

     You smile back and wink. "Ready." You answer as Dakota walks into the room.

     "Okay, everyone, places. Places." The director says. You walk to where you're supposed to be.

      In five minutes, everyone is ready to go. "All right. Ready, set, action!" The director exclaims.

     "Look!" Luke, in character, exclaims. Dakota and Luke run over to you.

     "What's happened here?" Dakota, also in character, asks.

     "Is she dead?" Luke questions hesitantly.

     Dakota leans over you and presses her fingers against your neck. "I don't-I don't th—"

    "Boo!" You shout, your eyes flying open.

      Dakota screams in surprise and stumbles backwards onto her behind, breathing hard. "Y/N! Luke! Come on!" She shouts.

     Luke and you snicker. "We're sorry. You were just acting so sure that we weren't going to prank you." You say in between laughing.

     "And you fell for the oldest trick in the book." Luke wheezes out.

      Dakota crosses her arms as everyone on set erupts with laughter. "You are all so mean." She says, trying to look angry, but failing. Soon she starts laughing.


     For the next couple of weeks, Luke and you continuously pull pranks on people. They work every single time. On night, after filming late, Luke and you are headed out of the set warehouse for the night.

     You yawn tiredly. "See you tomorrow."

     Luke smiles tiredly at you. "I'll walk you to your trailer." He says. He and you push the door open and suddenly two huge buckets of water are dumped on your heads, drenching both of you and immediately making you both wide eyed. Your jaw drops as you stop in your tracks.

     The whole entire cast and crew are outside the building, laughing at Luke and you. You slowly look at Luke who's just standing beside you, water trailing down his face.

     He licks his lips. "I guess that was payback."

     "And that was one of the oldest tricks in the book." You add, looking to Dakota who's grinning evilly at you. "Nice, guys. Real nice." You say to them, wringing out your shirt.

      "Apparently they had a secret meeting without us to conduct all of this." Luke points out.

     "Apparently." You laugh tiredly. "Oh, man. We should have seen that coming." You groan.

     "I think that's how every single person felt when we pranked them." Luke laughs.

     "Touché." You grin.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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