IMAGINE: Being in a car chase with Owen

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| IMAGINE for @supernaturalgirl3191 |

     You scream as Owen detonates the parking garage. You lean forward, your hands covering your ears. Your eyes are wide. You look in the ramp car's rear view mirror and see flames. You look at Owen Shaw in the driver's seat who's speeding away, apparently unfazed.

     "What did you do?" You whisper in shock.

     He glances at you and smiles. "Get used to it, Y/N. These things happen."

     "You just-you just blew up your hideout."

     He shrugs casually. "And I'll get another. It's okay." He tells you. You gasp softly. You're a new member to Owen's band of mercenaries. Owen has taken you under his wing and is training you to be his right hand woman. You're definitely seeing how Owen works. To say the least.

     You glance at the side mirror and see a couple of cars pursuing the ramp car. "Uh, Owen, we've got company." You say.

     Owen smiles and takes a sharp swerve to the right. You grip onto the door. "Letty should be here soon. She will distract Dominic from chasing us." He murmurs. He uses the reinforced front end, with a flip up extension, to launch the cars in front of you into the air. Your jaw drops as you watch the cars sail backwards through the air. They land right in front of your pursuers. Owen just smiles, remaining oddly calm. You, on the other hand, are freaking out.


     Owen was right. Dominic is no longer pursuing you, thanks to Letty. "Are we safe?" You ask, not seeing another car behind you. Owen is silent. "Owen?" You ask. Something—or someone—slams on top of the ramp car causing you to scream. "What is that?!" You practically shriek.

     "Luke Hobbs." Owen answers. Luke is tightly holding onto the ramp car.

     "What-what are we going to do?" You ask, your voice shaking.

     "Just watch." Owen replies nonchalantly. He drives towards a blockade. "Luke will be forced to jump, or else he's going to be hit by the blockade." He says, speeding towards it. You swallow nervously. Just like Owen said, Luke jumps from the car before he gets hit by the blockade.

     Owen just smiles and continued to drive as he's on a pleasure ride, and not a deadly one. You stare at him, your jaw dropped.

     After Owen is sure no one else is chasing you, he pulls down a side road and stops the car. You rip open the door and jump out of the car. You start pacing on the side of the road, your heart pounding. "Y/N, what is it? What's wrong?" Owen asks.

     You swivel your heard around to stare at him. "What's wrong? What's wrong?!" You shriek.

     He holds up his hand. "Calm down, calm down." He soothes.

     "Calm down?! How-how can you remain so calm about this, Owen?! You blew up a parking garage! We were getting chased! You were flipping cars through the air! A dude jumped on top of our car! Calm is the last thing I'm going to be!" You shout, your arms crossed.

     He walks over to you and puts a hand on your shoulder. "Do you want out, Y/N? Do you not want to be a mercenary?" He asks.

     You sigh. "I do. But what you're doing, Owen, is suicide." You state. "I just wish-I just wish you'd let me know what we're going to be doing beforehand so I know what to expect. I mean, you could have told me you were blowing up a parking garage." You say. Owen is silent and he looks down. Your eyebrows draw and you step back, letting his hand fall from your shoulder. "You don't trust me. That's why you're not telling me things." You whisper in realization.

     He looks up at you. "I will trust you, Y/N. In time, I will. I'm sorry." He says.

      You shake your head. "No, no, it's okay. I understand." You mutter.

     "Can we-can we just get back in the car, Y/N?" Owen asks. Wordlessly, you trudge back to the ramp car. You remain silent as Owen drives. "I wish you'd say something." He murmurs.

     You sigh. "What is it you want me to say, Owen?"

     "That you still want to be a part of my team." He replies.

      "I do. I do want to, but I just need you to trust me."

     He smiles a little at you. "And I will."
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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