IMAGINE: Bard saving you

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    You pace the length of your cell, beyond furious. "So why'd you do it?" The prison guard asks, lazily whittling away at a piece of wood.

     "Do what?" You spit.

     "Plan to assassinate the Master."

     You stop and glare at him. "For the last time I didn't plan to assassinate the Master!" You shout angrily.

     "The evidence is all there." He points out.

     "What evidence? There is no evidence!" You exclaim.

     "Uh, yeah there is."

     You cross your arms. "Well, would you mind letting me in on what the evidence is? Because no one is telling me." You snap.

     He snorts. "I can't tell you that."

     You lowly growl and resume your pace. You were out shopping when two guards and Alfrid came. The guards arrested you while Alfrid falsely accused you of planning to assassinate the Master. Everyone keeps telling you that there is evidence but they're not tell you what. You know you're being framed—but by who, you don't know. If only you could talk to Bard...


     "Hey, Y/N. Y/N!" You hear someone harshly whispering. You moan slightly and sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. It's nighttime. You push yourself up off the hard ground and see Bard by the tiny window in your cell.

     "Bard!" You exclaim lowly, jumping for the window. Bard is laying on his stomach, his hands around the bars. You reach up and stick your hands through the bars. He eagerly grasps your hands and kisses them.

     "I'm so sorry you're in here, my love." He whispers.

     "They're accusing me of plotting to assassinate the Master, Bard. But I haven't. I-I don't know why they're making these claims. I've done nothing wrong." You whisper, your voice cracking.

     "I know, Y/N, I know." He breathes, reaching through the bars to caress your face. "I'm going to try and plead to the Master that you're innocent. I'll try to find the person who's framing you."

     "I have a feeling it's Alfrid." You state.

     Bard's eyebrows draw. "Why Alfrid? What motive would he have?"

       "What motive would he ever have for being a scum?" You grumble.

     His eyebrows raise and he nods. "Good point." He replies. "I won't let you stay here in much longer, Y/N. I will get you out. I promise."

     You smile. "I love you, Bard."

     He smiles back at you. "I love you too." He whispers.

     "Hey! You there! Halt!" You hear a guard yell to Bard.

     "Go!" You whisper to Bard.

     "I'll come back for you!" Bard vows, before getting up and dashing off. You step away from the window and sigh. You sit on the ground and pull your knees to your chest.


     You wake up to the sound of fighting. You gasp when you see four Orcs barging into the dungeons. You jump to your feet and back up against the wall, your eyes wide in surprise. You glance down at the two guards who're laying face down on the ground, dead.

     The Orcs look over all the other empty cells and then their eyes land on you. They grin and look at each other.

     "Let's take her with." One says. They nudge one another.

Luke Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now