Do it again sometime

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I woke up in Simons bed my naked body tangled in his. I cover myself up and lay their for a second thing about what Simon said last night after we were done; We should do this again sometimes.

I get out of Simons bed and grab my things from the floor and decided to get dressed.

"You know last night was just a little fun right." Simon murmured.

"Yeah of corse." I sit on the bed and throw Simons stuff over at him, "We should do it again sometime."

"Yeah we should." Simon put on his boxers, "Now let's go down and see the damage."

Me and Simon walk down stairs to see smashed glasses stained carpet, people passed out on the floor and a few splashes of puke up the walls. Josh and Freya were curled up together in the living room looking rather cute.

"Awww they are just goals." Simon cooed.

"Yeah but the mess isn't."

"I'm not cleaning it up." He laughed as a hung over JJ tripped while making his way around the mountain of bottle and towards me and Simon.

"Where did you guys go last night?" He asked kicking somebody's pink bra out the way, "I didn't see you much."

"Just around you know." He said with complete calmness, me on the other hand was a nervous wreck praying I wasn't blushing, "We left a little early and went to my room. It was getting quite busy."

"It was so funny after you left."

"What happened?" I asked tripping on my words.

"Freya threw red wine all over Ellie's dress." He laughed, I was so glad he didn't notice my stutter Simon on the other hand did and shot me a look, "She started flirting with Josh."

I laughed thinking about the white dress she wore, the same one she begged me to buy her only a week before, "Good on Freya."

"I'm going to sleep off thing hangover and hope I'm not made to help tidy this up."

"Alright JJ." A grinning Simon said, JJ left me and Simon alone, excluding a sleeping Josh and Freya of course.

"We can't tell anyone." Simon lent close to my neck and my heart beat faster in my chest, I could feel the breath on my cheek as he whispered it.

I just nodded not able to form words, he just smiled. To think this is what's came from a New Years kiss as a joke.

Authors note

Thanks for reading now here's another pointless authors note that I never know what to put on.

Yeah that's all I'm putting.

Hugs kisses peace ✌🏻️

Should out to who pointed out my shit mistake and told me I love you.

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